Roasty Toasty Ghosty
It's a weird title to a weird podcast hosted by a couple of weird people talking about weird things.
Roasty Toasty Ghosty
#108:Quickie Christmas
In which Lauren & Mattias talk EVERYTHING Christmas, including traditions, letting go for Christmas, and the besties open gifts they got for each other. They review their recent movie night films, and Lauren confesses her true feelings for Gremlins.
- Opening
- Christmas episode!
- Weekly check in
- Weight update
- Movie on!
- Die Hard
- En Underbar Jävla Jul
- Intermission
- Opening presents!
- The infamous Die Hard christmas movie debate
- What’s ruining our lives
- Wrap up
- Live Mad Libs! January 11, 2025 8pm CET/2pm EST on Twitch @roastytoastyghostypodcast
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Beginning music - Energetic Prog Rock from AdobeStock
Intermission & ending music - Marshmallow Overload by Avocado Junkie
The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
Neither hosts are scientists or historians and all content displayed is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Simply put, not a single word spoken in this podcast is or should be taken seriously.
No ghosties were harmed in the making of this podcast.
In a world where everything is unscripted. This is Roasty Toasty Ghost. Am I starting?
Speaker 2:You're always starting. Now. Do you want to make noises like you're opening a can? Can you do that? Oh oh, maybe we should start this then yeah, hello and hello and welcome.
Speaker 1:This is the christmas episode. No, hello and welcome to roasty toasty ghosty. My name is matthias I'm lauren and yeah, yeah, that's it. Uh, no, it's not. No, we're gonna be your best friends for an hour or so probably less yeah we need to have a quickie episode today.
Speaker 2:Yeah, um, it's our christmas episode though.
Speaker 1:Quickie christmas, yeah and um, we'll see how it goes but, we're gonna try to keep it quick because we're both working tomorrow yeah and it is already really late yeah, yes, kind of for me okay on a work night okay um, yeah, I'm usually in bed by now yeah, what how are you doing? I'm good. How are you?
Speaker 2:I'm also good. Are you supposed to ask me first? Yeah, okay, do you want to start over?
Speaker 1:From the start.
Speaker 2:Yeah, let's start over.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, how are you?
Speaker 2:I'm good. How are you?
Speaker 1:I'm also good.
Speaker 2:Good Anything.
Speaker 1:I don't know. Merry Christmas by the way, merry Christmas.
Speaker 2:This is coming out on Christmas.
Speaker 1:Yeah, christmas Eve.
Speaker 2:Merry Christmas people.
Speaker 1:Very cool.
Speaker 2:Very exciting.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is like a Christmas gift from us.
Speaker 2:To you? Yeah, people Not you no. No, but you will be getting a Christmas gift.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because I'm the one who's going to work on this. Yeah, merry.
Speaker 2:Christmas Matthias.
Speaker 1:Thank you.
Speaker 2:Have fun working. It won't be much, though, because, like I said, we're going to try to keep it quick. Yeah, Please let's just get through this.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:You want to talk about the week.
Speaker 1:Let's talk about the week, okay.
Speaker 2:What did we do last weekend?
Speaker 1:What happened?
Speaker 2:Are you just going to repeat everything I said? What did happen last weekend?
Speaker 1:I don't know, I don't remember.
Speaker 2:Something did happen. I'm pretty sure I have to think about it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was working.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you were working. That's true. I worked my last Saturday for gymnastics and then I went shopping in the city. So that's what I did on Saturday and then on Sunday.
Speaker 1:oh, oh I don't know, okay, I don't know what I did on oh no cool, very fun weekend we're having yeah, we lived our separate lives yeah at home, I guess, and you?
Speaker 2:I was probably also home or something.
Speaker 1:Yeah, not my home though.
Speaker 2:No, we don't live together.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:And then we work throughout the week.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You did overtime, like every day.
Speaker 1:Yes, I did.
Speaker 2:That's cool.
Speaker 1:Yeah, weird week at work.
Speaker 2:What do you mean?
Speaker 1:I don't know, it's a. It feels like this week has been weird. Maybe it's just what's been happening that just put my brain.
Speaker 2:I don't know there's been some chaos there's been some drama drama during the christmas season.
Speaker 1:Yeah, um lots of unhappy people. Yeah, people are mad.
Speaker 2:We got our Christmas table dinner. What do you want to call it? There's no word for it. Yule board we got a sandwich, yeah, and a banana and some juice and a gift card for the place that we work for, yep, and five minutes extra break time. So that was really, really cool.
Speaker 1:Yeah, wow.
Speaker 2:Yeah, very fancy. They put a lot of effort into it.
Speaker 1:Not really, we've definitely had better.
Speaker 2:Last year we got lunch.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that was nice, it was really good.
Speaker 2:It was really nice last year. This year we got a sandwich. Yeah, and they've been shoving candy down our throats for, like the past month.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and the Christmas gift was.
Speaker 2:The gift card. Gift card, yeah, was the present.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that was. We had so much better before. Yeah yeah, do you remember the bag?
Speaker 2:I remember the bag.
Speaker 1:The full bag with chocolates and glug and lots of things.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:That was one of the best.
Speaker 2:We got a grocery bag one time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't think that was for Christmas.
Speaker 2:But yeah, that one year when we got the bag and the chocolates and we got like some kitchen supplies or like utensils.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was good.
Speaker 1:And lottery tickets Yep.
Speaker 2:Scratch tickets. Scratch tickets that was good this year. A piece of bread with some cheese Good job, thank you. Thank you, I didn't even eat mine. I gave all of mine away because I've been trying not to eat.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you gave it to me, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm trying not to eat, that's how I describe it. So that was that. Good times Not, not really things aren't going great. No, we had better but that was pretty much the week I had what darn?
Speaker 1:we didn't even talk about mad lips no, that's true.
Speaker 2:On saturday we did have live mad limbs where we did drunken christ karaoke.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Thank you for the people who joined us. It was really fun.
Speaker 1:Yes, it was nice, I liked it. It was good, it went well it did, and we got some good lines out of it. Yeah, and you laughed so hard that you pulled the.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, I unplugged the microphone and I dropped my phone.
Speaker 1:And stopped the recording.
Speaker 2:I stopped everything because the line was so funny. Yeah, I had to stop it all.
Speaker 1:Yeah, You're like time to pull the plug now.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:It's not going to get better than this. Nope, that was it.
Speaker 2:Yep, we don't need any more than that.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:It's good. No, we don't need any more than that. No.
Speaker 1:It's good. No, it was funny. Yeah, it was funny, anything else?
Speaker 2:I don't think so. On Tuesday I had a wrap-up for the gymnastics season term, whatever with my advanced group and we had a pizza party. I did not have pizza, no, but I got presents. It was nice. I got three family-sized pizzas for 20 people and um.
Speaker 1:You kept the boxes.
Speaker 2:I kept the box. Well, no, I meant to throw them away, I just I forgot to.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but you, yeah, it looked like you kept the boxes.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I thought you had pizza in the back of your car.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry, I did not Not anymore.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:But yeah, we did that and it was fun, Mm-hmm. And yeah, it was my last week of gymnastics for a while.
Speaker 1:It sounded like I said mm-hmm, like I was there, but I was not no, mm-mm, like I was there, but I was not. No, not invited. I'm kidding, I don't.
Speaker 2:You were working. You wouldn't have even gone if you were invited. Not true, rude. You never come to my parties.
Speaker 1:True.
Speaker 2:You come to all of my parties.
Speaker 1:Yes, that's also true.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:I don't come to your parties and I also come to your parties, yeah.
Speaker 2:Let's see what else I got a treadmill, oh yeah, that's fun. I think that's it.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That's all that happened this week.
Speaker 1:I think so.
Speaker 2:Very fun and exciting. Should we even bother with a weight update?
Speaker 1:I think I gained like 0.9.
Speaker 2:I also gained, but I didn't count how much, no, but I know that I did.
Speaker 1:But we also want to say that, since it's Christmas season now, we're expected to gain, at least for the end of the year, to give ourselves a break and relax and not worry so much about the weight situations. So after New Year's we can start losing weight again.
Speaker 2:Right, I have a challenge though. Okay, let's not step on the scale at all, maybe just on Fridays, just for fun. Okay, try not to check your weight.
Speaker 1:Okay, sure, for how long?
Speaker 2:Until next year. Okay, On the first, no. No on the second of January.
Speaker 1:Okay, why not the first?
Speaker 2:Because we will. That's the day after we'll be drinking.
Speaker 1:Ah yeah, that's the day after we'll be drinking.
Speaker 2:Ah yeah, that's true. So on january 2nd we'll start weighing ourselves daily, but until then we'll keep it to fridays yes so we can compare one friday to the next friday.
Speaker 1:So tomorrow we're not gonna wear ourselves no, and that's what I think you will have to remind me not to to weigh yourself. Don't weigh yourself.
Speaker 2:Don't tell me.
Speaker 1:Because no, okay, if I do, I'm not going to tell you.
Speaker 2:Just don't.
Speaker 1:Well, it's automatically now, yeah.
Speaker 2:I know I have it in my routine, just have to skip that one. It's a challenge. Yes, but if I happen to step onto a scale I'm not going to tell you Okay, but then you can't be disappointed either.
Speaker 1:No, Wait what.
Speaker 2:With the results.
Speaker 1:Okay, no, but the Fridays we were going to step on yeah. Good yeah. So then you have to remind me on Fridays that I have to step onto the scale.
Speaker 2:Right, yes, I'll do that.
Speaker 1:Yes, and you also have to remember yeah, to do that yourself.
Speaker 2:I probably will. Yeah, let's see. Would you like to move on?
Speaker 1:Yeah, let's move on.
Speaker 2:Let's do that, because it's Friday. It is currently December 20th.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's a special movie night.
Speaker 2:It is I feel, and we did watch movies.
Speaker 1:Yeah Two Christmas movies, yeah Two Christmas movies.
Speaker 2:This first one is debatable. In society, in the world of entertainment, it is debatable. Okay, but we are considering it is debatable Okay. But we are considering it a Christmas movie.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:We watched Die Hard Yep.
Speaker 1:And oh, do you want me to say it? Yes, en underbar jävla jul.
Speaker 2:Did you just swear I?
Speaker 1:did oh my gosh In Swedish.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:You're welcome.
Speaker 2:Thank you.
Speaker 1:A wonderful effing Christmas.
Speaker 2:Yes, let me tell you about Die Hard. Yeah, okay, this is a movie with Bruce Willis.
Speaker 1:Yep, yep. Who else was in this movie? No, I'm kidding, or yeah, you know the bad guy.
Speaker 2:Alan Rickman Yep Snape, snape.
Speaker 1:Hans Gruber.
Speaker 2:Severus Snape, hans Gruber. Severus Snape.
Speaker 1:Hans Gruber.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that too let's see. So in this movie Bruce Willis is a cop, Yep, and he's going to see his wife.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's out of his jurisdiction. Mm-hmm or what.
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:No, I don't Sure. Okay, conviction, mm-hmm, or what I don't know.
Speaker 2:No, I don't Sure. Okay, and Alan Rickman shows up and he's like I want to be here now and he kidnaps some people. And Bruce Willis has to save the people and beat up the bad guys. Not beat up, he shoots the bad guys.
Speaker 1:Yeah. And blows them up and he beats some too.
Speaker 2:He does beat some up as well. Yeah, yeah, he beats up some bad guys.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, and there's something with his feet.
Speaker 2:He's barefoot. Where did his shoes go?
Speaker 1:He was making fists with his feet on the.
Speaker 2:Why didn't he put any shoes on?
Speaker 1:Because the terrorists got there so suddenly that he didn't think.
Speaker 2:Why did he leave his room without shoes on?
Speaker 1:Because the terrorists were going to his room and he had to do that quickly. And the first guy he kills he tries on that guy's shoes and he's like, oh, this guy has so small feet. But then he kills another two. He never tries their shoes on.
Speaker 2:No, because he assumes that everyone has small feet and he has ginormous monster feet.
Speaker 1:Yeah, probably something else big I think that's what he was thinking a gun yeah, he was thinking about the guns yeah more than the shoes yeah, I want the guns, not the shoes yeah, so yeah, that's it, that's all that happened.
Speaker 2:What did you think about the movie?
Speaker 1:I think I've seen this movie before. Uh, that was a joke. Yeah, because I've never seen this movie. No, I've seen this movie so many times and I really like this movie, although I some some movies. No, some people think this is like the best action movie ever or something along those lines. I'm not. I'm not that into the movie. I mean it's. I know it's a good movie, it is a good movie, but, um, I don't know, I, I guess I'm not the, I don't know. It's still a good movie. I love the movie, but it's not the best movie. Do Do you know what I'm trying to say?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Because some people say that it's the best of all the action movies ever, and I'm not there, I don't know. I'm not there.
Speaker 2:No, I'm not going to agree to that either.
Speaker 1:No. So what do you think about this movie?
Speaker 2:I also enjoy the movie. This is the second time I've seen the movie and it's good this is the second time I've seen the movie, and it's good. I've seen other Bruce Willis movies now, so I can compare this one with the other ones and I yeah, I don't know I like the movie. It was fun, yeah, it was entertaining and I saw some faces that I recognized. Yeah, and it was fun, yeah, what else?
Speaker 1:What else After that? We watched En Underbar Jävla Jul.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:I swore again.
Speaker 2:You did.
Speaker 1:And this is a Swedish movie about two gay guys inviting their parents, all their parents, inviting their parents, all their parents to have like a Christmas party and also siblings. And one of the guy's father is really, I mean, he's very conservative and doesn't really approve of the gay lifestyle, I guess, or you know, the homosexual lifestyle. So there are some drama and also comedy. I like yeah, I like the comedy, but I would like to ask you what you thought about this movie. This is like the third, third of these uh, similar plots, uh movies yeah, um chaotic christmas yeah, family christmas yeah well, the thing is, is that um?
Speaker 2:what made it more chaotic was that they had a surrogate mother involved so they were going to have a baby. All three of them together.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and that made things worse.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Was I not supposed to mention that?
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, yeah, I forgot to say that. Okay, okay, but it was good that you reminded me. Okay, or that you said it instead.
Speaker 2:What did you ask me?
Speaker 1:What you thought about the movie.
Speaker 2:Oh, I like these movies. I like the chaotic family drama.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I think it's funny.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So I enjoyed this movie as well, yeah.
Speaker 1:I think this is my favorite of the three, because I don't know, I think it's really funny and this is the only one of the three I've seen in the theaters or cinema. And it was very fun and, yeah, I really like this movie.
Speaker 2:It was good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's why I saved it for last of these, because I do like it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, all right, anything else?
Speaker 1:I don't think so.
Speaker 2:All right. Well, all that's left is to take a break.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So let's do that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, let's do that.
Speaker 2:And we will be right back.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Hello and welcome back. Yeah, we're back. Mm-hmm, did you enjoy your break?
Speaker 1:Yeah, good.
Speaker 2:Yes, we watched a video that you made yes For Die Hard Mm-hmm it was good, yeah, I enjoyed it and the song. There was a song Blink-182.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:So what are we gonna do today, Matthias?
Speaker 1:We're gonna open presents.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah Right. For our Christmas episode, we brought Christmas presents for each other, which we are going to open now.
Speaker 1:Now, right now.
Speaker 2:Right now.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:So who gets to go first?
Speaker 1:You decide that.
Speaker 2:I feel like we should do something that will decide for us.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Do you have a coin you can toss?
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 2:Do I.
Speaker 1:What did you say?
Speaker 2:I have a coin here.
Speaker 1:Okay, who's going to flip it?
Speaker 2:Not that one you are. Yes, yeah, this one has heads and tails.
Speaker 1:Yes, I guess the head is the head and the tail is the tail.
Speaker 2:Right, exactly. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Okay. So what do you want? Which one are you?
Speaker 1:You decide.
Speaker 2:Okay, I'm going to be heads you're tails, so if it lands on heads, then I go first.
Speaker 1:Okay, so am I flipping it? Catch it, and.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes.
Speaker 1:Heads.
Speaker 2:Oh, that means that I get to open my present first heads. Oh, that means that I get to open my present first. Yes, okay, which is in the basket of things?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I can stand up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you can.
Speaker 1:I can do stand up.
Speaker 2:Do that, then Tell a joke while you're standing.
Speaker 1:Lauren is short. Wow, it was my joke.
Speaker 2:That was very funny, it was.
Speaker 1:I always thought it was funny. I'll take that. You wrapped it very nicely, it was. I always thought it was funny. I'll take that.
Speaker 2:You wrapped it very nicely.
Speaker 1:Thank you.
Speaker 2:I just want to compliment your wrapping skills.
Speaker 1:Yeah, should I stick to wrapping instead of stand-up?
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, I think so.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Okay, ready, I'm going to open this. Okay ready, I'm going to open this. I'm very excited. I love presents. Yeah, I open them so carefully.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, it's taped on. You should know that.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, of course it is.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because I wrap it the way you're not supposed to, I guess.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, Will you shut up?
Speaker 1:Well, I wasn't the one who said that.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:It's a box.
Speaker 2:It is a box. So far I got a box.
Speaker 1:It's a kiss Yay.
Speaker 2:All right, one thing at a time here. Okay, okay, okay. So first thing in my box I got the fearless hyena.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, jackie chan.
Speaker 2:Yes, this is a good one. I oh, yeah, it's the yeah. Okay, okay with the emotional. Yeah, that one's funny. Okay, I also got. Hopefully not the second one, okay, armor of god yeah, you have the, the second one of that yeah on blu-ray, so I thought the first one you need these ladies were really weird. I didn't like them oh yeah, the amazon I don't know, but they were weird and I didn't like them no, okay, okay. No, okay, okay. What else did I get? I got Mad Libs, super-sized Mad Libs, yeah.
Speaker 1:Aww, I mean it's good, but it was a bit of a disappointment because when it said super-sized I was like, oh, it's gonna be a lot, it's gonna be so big.
Speaker 2:When our other books are bigger than this.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I don't really know, what they meant with supersized.
Speaker 2:Maybe it was like one of the first releases of multiple themed.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because when I saw the picture I'm like, oh, it's going to have that one, that one, that one, that one and that one it's going to be five, and then it's going to have that one, that one, that one, that one and that one it's going to be five and then it's like, okay, it wasn't that much.
Speaker 2:This was 2013, 2012. Wait, hold on.
Speaker 1:Oh, it was a bit of a disappointment, but still it's a Mad Libs.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we have more Mad Libs now.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And that's really fun. And now you can open up your present, which is down here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:Thank you, by the way. Oh yeah, I really like my present.
Speaker 1:Wow, a wrapped gift one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I actually wrapped it with wrapping paper and a sticker that says your name on it.
Speaker 1:Yes, you didn't get a sticker, but I knew who you, I know who you are so, oh, what if I don't? Well, I will remind you.
Speaker 2:All right, thank you.
Speaker 1:You're Loris.
Speaker 2:That's me, yeah.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm gonna be very violent when I.
Speaker 2:Okay, shred it.
Speaker 1:Hey, you taped the paper.
Speaker 2:I taped the paper. Yeah, last year I didn't use tape at all. What Is that real, uh?
Speaker 1:yes, are you disappointed yeah, very no, no, it's cool awesome okay uh, okay, so maybe I should say what it is maybe yeah, it's a smart watch. Watch it's a smart watch, smart watch, smart watch. Smorgasbord yeah, it's a smorgasbord.
Speaker 2:No, it's a smart wart smart wart it counts your steps yeah, no smart watch um. The thing is is that throughout the year, you've been having issues with um accurate step counting yeah so I figured maybe an actual smart watch would help you with that wow and also while you're on the treadmill, your pants fall down because you have to have your phone on you to count your steps yeah, that's and now you don't have to anymore, so I really hope that it works out for you very cool.
Speaker 1:This must have been expensive. It was the one from the youth evening, oh okay, so it must have been expensive I don't know. I think I paid more for mine okay, but that's to be expected, okay, so this is very, very nice. I can't. I mean, now I feel stupid for Don't, no, okay, no, but I really like this and I'm not even done.
Speaker 2:No, there's more yeah.
Speaker 1:More. Wait, okay's more yeah.
Speaker 2:More. Wait, okay, pop-tarts. Yeah, yeah, oh, it's the strawberry ones again.
Speaker 1:It is yes, that's what it says. Yes, it is. Oh, I love them. They were really really good, and now I really want to try them in a toaster for once, so maybe I'll do that here.
Speaker 2:We'll remember that for breakfast.
Speaker 1:Yeah, tomorrow. Yeah, what's the other one Frosted hot fudge sundae Pop-tarts yeah, the pop-tarts. And frosted. Frosted Hot Fudge Sundae Pop-Tarts yeah, the Pop-Tarts. And Frosted. Frosted Hot Fudge Sundae.
Speaker 2:Um. Can I make a request?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Can we try one?
Speaker 1:This now yeah, right now yeah, yeah, sure Okay.
Speaker 2:That was it. I'm sorry I didn't get you more than that. Yeah, it's two-sided wrapping paper. How cool. Yeah, and I like this side better.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I like both sides.
Speaker 2:Yeah, both sides were good, but I like the red one better.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's kind of weird because you want to see both.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'll have to figure out how to do both. Yeah, I know it. To figure out how to do both, yeah, but I know it can be done.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm opening this.
Speaker 2:Correctly Good job.
Speaker 1:Thank you, did I do it correctly? Yes, I'm that good.
Speaker 2:These were one of my favorites.
Speaker 1:Oh.
Speaker 2:But then again, a lot of them were my favorites. Yeah, so can I, can I too?
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, the memories, memories.
Speaker 2:Do I have to pick one?
Speaker 1:If you want to.
Speaker 2:I'm going to take this one then yeah, if you want one.
Speaker 1:I said if you want two, but I meant if you want to, I'm going to take this one. Then yeah, if you want one. I said if you want two, but I meant if you want to pick one, not pick two. Okay, oh, you do that.
Speaker 2:No, it was already split.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm sorry.
Speaker 2:That's not your fault.
Speaker 1:No, but Shut up. I'm still sorry, shut up.
Speaker 2:Okay, so instead of chocolate, this this year, we're eating Pop-Tarts.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm, it's not bad. It's not bad. I mean it kind of sounded like you said, instead of chocolate we're eating. I mean it's still good.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm. No, no, I was just making the comparison, mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:We're just switching Mm-hmm, trying something new. Mm-hmm, for me it's new, trying something new.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, For me it's new.
Speaker 1:Yeah, mm, so good, mm. I'm glad I got to try Pop-Tarts, glad Now I know what it is and now I know I like it. Mm-hmm, we even watched the movie before I even knew what it was.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, the Pop-Tarts movie.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. So now I should watch the movie.
Speaker 2:After Christmas though.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yep, we should do that.
Speaker 2:What else should we talk about then?
Speaker 1:I don't know Something Christmassy.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, so what?
Speaker 1:We haven't thought about anything.
Speaker 2:No, it's gonna be really nice to be home for a while, though, yeah.
Speaker 1:I'm glad for you that you got two days off. Um I it. It looks like I'm gonna get my day off okay yeah, I was worried there for a while, but now it it seems like I'm gonna get my day off okay, so and uh, yeah, if anything, if they say anything, i'm'm going to be like you told me I could stay home, and if they still want to fight me, I'm like I'm sick.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Then I'm sick Because I'm going to stay home.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:No matter what they say.
Speaker 2:Should we? I don't know.
Speaker 1:Do they have like a Christmas game or something?
Speaker 2:Let's see if Open Eyes has a Christmas game.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Because I know the first year we did this, we talked about traditions and what we do and stuff.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And then last year, I know that we did the Christmas confessionals, which you completely failed at, by the way.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, I'm a good boy. What can I say?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Let's see what should I ask open eyes um, if you can come up with a christmas game or?
Speaker 2:come up with a christmas game we can play on the podcast. What can we talk about instead? Holiday debates, you want? Okay, find out what the first suggestion it was. It had yeah is die hard. A christmas movie, oh um oh, now I'm curious what?
Speaker 1:what do uh open eyes think and say about that?
Speaker 2:all right, let's ask open eyes is die hard die hats. Die hats a christmas movie, a cheetah's movie? Open Eyes is Die.
Speaker 1:Hard Die Hats Die.
Speaker 2:Hats, a Christmas movie, a Cheetahs movie, christmas Christmas movie. Open Eyes is going to settle this once and for all. Good, despite what people think. Bruce Willis himself yeah, okay, let's talk about this All right, just for fun, because we watched the movie. Yeah, all right. Just for fun because we watched the movie. Yeah, the debate about whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie has been a long-standing and heated one. So here's the case for Die Hard being a Christmas movie. But first, where do you stand?
Speaker 1:It is a Christmas movie.
Speaker 2:And why?
Speaker 1:Because it has Christmas songs, it has lots of references to Christmas and you know, yeah, that's kind of that's it. Yeah, and it has the you know lights and it's very you know the jingle bells sometimes and in the soundtrack you know. So, yeah, it does feel Christmassy to me. All right and how about you?
Speaker 2:I mean when I first watched the movie the first time, I didn't think much of it. Okay, I don't think you didn't like it. I watched the movie the first time I didn't think much of it. Okay, I don't think.
Speaker 1:You didn't like it.
Speaker 2:I liked the movie. I didn't think much of the Christmas theme itself no. I probably would not have thought of it as a Christmas movie, since I didn't think too much about the Christmas part. No, it was more of the action, so I don't know. I don't know where I really stand. No Of the action, so I don't know, I don't know where I really stand.
Speaker 1:No, even today. It is okay if you don't think it's a Christmas movie.
Speaker 2:I just I don't know, okay, because I see, I see both sides, so I'm like I don't know, maybe it could be.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Or it could also not be, you could also just watch it whenever you want to.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I can if people are interested. I know that on YouTube there's a Screen Junkies video about this topic and they explain why it is a Christmas movie, so check that out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, alright.
Speaker 1:If you haven't already.
Speaker 2:So the case for Die Hard as a Christmas movie Number one. The setting the movie takes place during a Christmas Eve office party.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's true.
Speaker 2:There are holiday elements woven throughout, like decorations, music and even ho-ho-ho written on a villain's shirt.
Speaker 1:Yes, music and even ho ho ho written on a villain's shirt yes and Christmas trees.
Speaker 2:I mean they have smaller ones and a big one that falls in the end At its core. John McClane, which is Bruce Willis, is trying to reunite with his estranged wife a theme that aligns with holiday films about family. It includes Christmas songs like Let it Snow and Winter Wonderland, and for many, watching Die Hard is a Christmas tradition, just like Home Alone or Elf. But Home Alone is also one of those like is it a christmas movie or is it just a movie set in christmas that could watch anytime yeah, good question.
Speaker 1:Uh, I think the first time I watched home alone I didn't see it as a christmas movie, but uh, it's like, it's like with you and Die Hard. Yes, and I guess I didn't think Die Hard was much of a Christmas movie either the first time, but when you see it several times, you kind of build that theme. You see more every time you watch a movie.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I kind of feel the same way with Home Alone as Die Hard. I think, Because I mean, I can recognize it as a Christmas movie.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But also it doesn't have to be a Christmas movie.
Speaker 1:True.
Speaker 2:The case against Die Hard. As a Christmas movie the action over holiday spirits it's more of an action thriller than a feel-good holiday story.
Speaker 1:Okay, but then again they bleed a lot and the blood is red. True, and that's very Christmassy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I guess. So there's no traditional Christmas tropes. It doesn't center around Santa giving or festive joy.
Speaker 1:That is true, but there's a Santa, you know, a plastic Santa.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And he takes the Santa's hat and put on the dead guy and writes ho ho ho on the shirt.
Speaker 2:So yeah, still.
Speaker 1:Christmas. Okay On the shirt, shirt yeah. So yeah, still.
Speaker 2:Christmas. Okay, it premiered in July 1988 and not during the holiday season.
Speaker 1:That's kind of weird. I knew about this and I always thought that was weird. Yeah, because I didn't see it when it premiered, since I wasn't even born yet.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay, yeah, okay, yeah, was that it.
Speaker 1:I think so.
Speaker 2:I thought it sounded like you were going to say something else.
Speaker 1:No, I think that was it Okay.
Speaker 2:It lacks the warm, fuzzy, uplifting vibe typically associated with Christmas movies.
Speaker 1:It lacks.
Speaker 2:Lacks.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I guess with christmas movies it lacks, lacks, yeah, I guess, but uh, I mean, um, so someone has to break a mold. Uh, you know, someone has to go in a different direction too, in being not all movies can be the same. You know all all christmas movies can't be just what all the other ones are.
Speaker 2:It's got to be different. Yeah, it's like oh, okay, okay, okay. Now I get what you meant with the Okay okay. It's like I don't remember that part no.
Speaker 1:You know it's like it has to be original.
Speaker 2:No, you know it's like it has to be original.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I just think you can be innovating. You can always expand what's there and take it to another level, and you know another genre. Yeah, it's like last year we watched Silent Night.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Is that a Christmas movie. That was very violent.
Speaker 1:It was and it took place at Christmas.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't know Really.
Speaker 1:That's one of the also one. Yeah, that will be added to that list in that category yeah, and the thing is because, uh, there's another franchise that we haven't seen yet that I also love lethal weapon okay the first movie is also um, at christmas time and it and people, people kind of compares Lethal Weapon to Die Hard and some people say that Die Hard is a Christmas movie while Lethal Weapon isn't, and I'm like they're both Christmas movies because they both have the Christmas spirit. Yeah, theme.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Christmas theme. So I guess we will watch that so we can continue this discussion next year.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 1:But yeah, a question. Okay, would you call the hard rock Christmas, christmas songs, christmas songs yeah yeah, because I mean, they're also not in the genre that you're expecting christmas songs to be. I guess so I guess this is kind of a hard rock christmas movie christmas movie. Yeah, all, all right, that's how I see it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, I see that. So, in conclusion, it ultimately depends on how you define a Christmas movie.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:If a film set at Christmas counts, like Home Alone or Gremlins, then you don't like that. Is it on the list?
Speaker 1:I don't know, okay, maybe not Gremlins.
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:Okay, maybe not, gremlins, I don't think it's on my side.
Speaker 2:Gremlins is scary, Is it I? You haven't seen it.
Speaker 1:Yes, okay, I don't find it that scary.
Speaker 2:Well, when the cute little, you know gremlins turn into little monsters, then they get scary.
Speaker 1:They're called mogwai, okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't like it. I don't like them. No, okay, no, I like Gizmo, though. Anyway.
Speaker 1:Have you seen the second one? Because that one is more of a comedic. They go to the sillier level.
Speaker 2:I don't know if I've seen the second one, probably not. Okay, okay, no. I don't know if I've seen the second one, probably not.
Speaker 1:Okay, no, you don't have to.
Speaker 2:We'll see. We'll check the list and see if it's even on there. I don't think so, but so if a film set at Christmas counts, then Die Hard qualifies, but if you require a strong focus on holiday themes, it may not make the cut.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:So people who are listening write us a comment. What do you think? Should the explosive antic of Nakatomi Plaza earn a spot on the Christmas movie list, or is it just another action movie that is set during Christmas?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:We want to know what your thoughts are.
Speaker 1:Yes, now you know what we think yeah, and I, I mean I, I am of that opinion that um movies just taking place at set at christmas are christmas movies. Yeah, even though though the Christmas theme isn't, you know, throughout the movie.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Which it is in this one.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:But some of them aren't what. Some of them aren't Okay, are not?
Speaker 2:Are not.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:All right. Well, that was that. How do you feel about it? About what Okay About the movie?
Speaker 1:About what? Okay About the movie. I like the movie.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, the segment.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was good. It was a good discussion we had.
Speaker 2:Sorry, what.
Speaker 1:It was a good discussion we had and we didn't start fighting.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:I didn't try to strangle you and you didn't try to strangle me, so that's a good thing.
Speaker 2:I didn't scratch you in the face either.
Speaker 1:No, you didn't. I'm thankful for that.
Speaker 2:All right, Well, Matias one last thing before we wrap this up. Will you please tell me what is it that could possibly be ruining your life during this Christmas season?
Speaker 1:I can tell you that, all right, it's my darn hands, or my fingers.
Speaker 2:They're not attractive.
Speaker 1:I'm unattractive. They're really.
Speaker 2:Dry and cracked.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they're broken.
Speaker 2:And paper cuts.
Speaker 1:I don't know, they're just dry and I keep pulling on the skin.
Speaker 2:Not good, no, so your unattractive hands are ruining your life.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I guess, when you told me that about my unattractive hands, I guess that was winter time. Yeah, yep, makes sense. Yeah, but maybe I should get some salva or something.
Speaker 2:Yeah, ointment, ointment, lotion. Ointment, oinkment, yeah, some bacon fat on those hands.
Speaker 1:Bacon fat, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:So what if I ask you the same question what's ruining your life? Right now, I think it's um, mainly management at work, oh uh. Well, um, if I can be more specific, it's not just the Christmas sandwiches and gifts and such, which were an extreme disappointment, it's also the fact that they've been coming out with big boxes of candy weekly.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And yeah sure, a lot of people like that. But first of all it's a distraction because it's out in the workplace, it's in, it's on the floor yeah, not like on the floor floor, but on the work floor, you know what I mean. They threw candy on the floor.
Speaker 1:Yeah, what the heck.
Speaker 2:Well, um, not it's. It's also that you know it's right there you know, in the work area and the thing is is that most days so far, um, I've been able to say no and just kind of ignore it. But if I get like the slightest urge, take one, then I will take the rest. Yeah, pretty much Over time, so that's been ruining my life. Anyway, would you like to wrap this up?
Speaker 1:Yeah, maybe we should.
Speaker 2:All right. I want to thank the people again for playing live Mad Libs with us last weekend.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:And our next one is next year.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's true, sounds so far away, but it's not that far away.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:Nah.
Speaker 2:Nah, our next live Mad Libs is going to be January 11th. For those who want to play with us.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Put that in your calendar and celebrate the new year then I guess, but we will not be drinking.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:Probably, and thank you for listening to the episode, merry Christmas.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:We'll be back with a new one next week on Tuesday.
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:And I hope that you're all enjoying the season and the Christmas vibes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, hope you get a good Christmas.
Speaker 2:A really good Christmas.
Speaker 1:A very merry Christmas.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I hope that you get everything that you wished for under the tree.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Or in your stockings, if you do that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I mean, if you don't celebrate Christmas, you're. We can hope you had a good.
Speaker 2:I hope you had a good day.
Speaker 1:Good day anyways.
Speaker 2:Yeah, have a good life. We'll be back next week. Yeah and goodbye.
Speaker 1:Bye, bye.
Speaker 2:Thank you for listening to the Roasty Toasty Ghosty podcast.
Speaker 1:If you kind of liked our episode, follow us on the social medias. We are on Instagram, tiktok and YouTube at Roasty, toasty, ghosty Pod.
Speaker 2:And Twitch at Roasty Toasty Ghosty Podcast, where we play live man lives every month.
Speaker 1:Consider supporting us on Buzzsprout, where you can find deleted content and our entire movie night list. We hope you enjoyed this episode just as we enjoyed making it, and we'll be back with another one next Tuesday on a podcast provider near you.
Speaker 2:Goodbye Mattias, goodbye Lauren.