Roasty Toasty Ghosty
It's a weird title to a weird podcast hosted by a couple of weird people talking about weird things.
Roasty Toasty Ghosty
#111: A Somewhat Intelligent Bum
In which Lauren & Mattias read some news and discuss some social conflicts. They review their recent movie night films and bring up various topics such as sleep issues and massive emotions.
- Opening
- Ghosty energy drink
- Weekly check in
- Gross gym people
- Movie on!
- Die Hard 4: Live Free or Die Hard
- SOS: En Segelsällskapsresa
- Intermission
- Random Google News
- Am I an apple? Social conflicts advice
- What is ruining our lives?
- Weight update
- Wrap up
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Beginning music - Energetic Prog Rock from AdobeStock
Intermission & ending music - Marshmallow Overload by Avocado Junkie
The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
Neither hosts are scientists or historians and all content displayed is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Simply put, not a single word spoken in this podcast is or should be taken seriously.
No ghosties were harmed in the making of this podcast.
in a world where everything is unscripted.
Speaker 2:This is roasty toasty ghosty this one should be kind of fun though okay, why?
Speaker 1:it's 111 right, 111, 11 one that's my uh password yes okay, so okay, now I have to change my password to one, one, two, what, what? Uh, are you saying what, or why what? Uh, I don't know nothing okay, it's windy outside. Do you have any plans for today? I might have an idea okay that's good that's all yeah, that's all we're gonna talk about my idea.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah ideas yeah do you have any, any ideas? Do I do you?
Speaker 1:do I? I have ideas, I mean often and then I forget about my ideas.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's what happens.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's also like segments where I'm thinking we can do that, and then I don't write it down or anything, and then I'm like I don't remember what I was thinking about.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:That's stupid, Mattias.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Yeah so should we start, or do you want to talk some more?
Speaker 2:Um Talk smart. We should talk about smarts.
Speaker 1:Okay, it's about. It's about about.
Speaker 2:What's impossible.
Speaker 1:Is it impossible?
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:For us to start.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it is impossible. At the moment it feels like that yeah, okay, yeah.
Speaker 1:Because you're the one speaking today. Okay, I did pick a ghost, did you see it?
Speaker 2:No, no, Well, I saw, but I didn't see.
Speaker 1:Okay, see saw.
Speaker 2:I didn't see, saw Okay.
Speaker 1:Wait.
Speaker 2:Wait, wait. Do I say the thing first and then we open? Say the thing first and then we open? I never know how we do this.
Speaker 1:I think we actually we didn't do this last week, but I think we open then say the thing but last week we did the opposite. Not that it matters really.
Speaker 2:All right, then go ahead and open, I guess.
Speaker 1:Yes. So today I picked the Flava Sour Patch Kids Redberry.
Speaker 2:Red berries.
Speaker 1:Redberry.
Speaker 2:Uh-huh. Okay, let's do a dish.
Speaker 1:Do your one, thank God, yeah, and we didn't even talk over it this time. Can I also smell? No, yes, I can. Mm Smells good.
Speaker 2:Cheers.
Speaker 1:Cheers, skål, skål, mm Cheers.
Speaker 2:Squall, squall, mmm. Cherry, yeah, mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:Yep, yeah, yep, it's good. I kind of liked it.
Speaker 2:Hello and welcome to Roasty Toasty Ghosty. My name is Lauren.
Speaker 1:And I'm Matias.
Speaker 2:And we are going to be your besties for the next hour or so. Yes, yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.
Speaker 2:And that's cool.
Speaker 1:What is this podcast?
Speaker 2:I don't know. It's like the greatest podcast in the world, or something.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:It's funny, we're going to have a good time and we're going to enjoy ourselves and we're going to get through this.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we will.
Speaker 2:I think I have something kind of interesting today, so please bear with us until then.
Speaker 1:Okay, okay, yeah.
Speaker 2:Matias, how are you doing?
Speaker 1:I'm good, I'm good, okay, how are you?
Speaker 2:I'm also pretty good. I know you didn't say pretty good, you just said I'm good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm good. That could be translated to pretty good, I'm, I'm, I'm good. Okay, it's good that you're pretty and good.
Speaker 2:Oh, thank you oh.
Speaker 1:Matias.
Speaker 2:You're so sweet. What have you been up to this past week? It feels like it's been a week since I've really been able to talk to you so. I don't know. I'm going to catch up. Okay, at least everyone else hasn't talked to you for a week.
Speaker 1:No, that's true. Or heard from you, yeah, where have you been? Yeah, uh, I have been well. On Saturday we went to the gym. We did we did, we did, and I don't know if we did. Well, you were recovering from a cold yeah.
Speaker 2:And I was just. I feel like I was just kind of meh. I think I woke up late during the weekend Because for some reason I think I'm being nice to myself when really it's not good for me.
Speaker 1:No, and you know that? Yeah, I know that think I'm being nice to myself when really it's not good for me.
Speaker 2:No, and you know that yeah.
Speaker 1:I know that Somehow.
Speaker 2:The thing is that I want to sleep, but if I sleep, too long, then I'm just like groggy and I'm tired and grumpy.
Speaker 1:You'd think you would be like well rested, yeah, well rested, and feeling amazing. But no, opposite Would be like well rested, yeah, well rested.
Speaker 2:And feeling amazing, but no.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:Opposite. I can only sleep for like seven hours max. Any longer than that, and I'm just meh, and sometimes that doesn't even feel like enough. But if I get more than that, then it's not good. If I get less, then I don't know. No, I'm still okay. If I get more than that, then it's not good. If I get less, then I don't know, I'm I'm still okay if I get less actually yeah, I, yeah.
Speaker 2:Actually, I kind of feel pretty good when I get not so much sleep I mean, I mean I'm okay for a while, but like towards the end of the day then I start to crash uh, yeah. If I have too little sleep.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean you kind of feel like you're out of body in a way. Yeah, and also it's really nice the night after when you can fall asleep. That.
Speaker 2:If you can, if you get to, if you don't have to stay up later.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, yeah, I guess. I mean, when you go to sleep, you fall asleep immediately. Yeah, yeah, and I like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's good.
Speaker 1:As soon as you put your head on the pillow, you fall asleep.
Speaker 2:What were we talking about?
Speaker 1:We went to the gym.
Speaker 2:We did. We didn't sleep there.
Speaker 1:No, we didn't.
Speaker 2:I've been starting this thing where I try to take a picture every day and then I write a journal entry.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And I write about my day.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:So I can remember what I did throughout the week. What did you do after the gym? Do you know?
Speaker 1:No, okay, went home.
Speaker 2:I guess what did you do after the gym, do you know? No, okay, went home, I guess. On Sunday we had Operation Kill Christmas was what we called it. We took down all of the Christmas decorations on Sunday Okay. It was a fun name.
Speaker 1:That's sad.
Speaker 2:What did you do on Sunday? I?
Speaker 1:don't know. Okay, I probably didn't do much. Yeah, that was Sunday.
Speaker 2:That was Sunday. That was Sunday. Yeah, kind of boring weekend. Yeah, we had Monday off.
Speaker 1:We did, and that's nice, mm-hmm. That was cool.
Speaker 2:I tried going outside and playing in the snow with Sick Child, but I don't think he was feeling so great being Sick Child. Okay, so that didn't last very long, and you don't think he was feeling so great being a sick child. Okay, so that didn't last very long.
Speaker 1:And you don't like snow, you don't like cold.
Speaker 2:I don't like the snow, but I want my kids to have fun, and usually parents playing with kids enhances their experience. So yeah, did that Went really quick. Then we went home.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and you know, another day for me, taking it easy, I think I watched movies, or at least one.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, and yeah, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, we went to work.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:We also went to the gym.
Speaker 1:Yeah, all three days.
Speaker 2:It was kind of annoying the gym. Oh, there were people.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean you gotta expect people, but there's lots of people.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and they occupied our, you know.
Speaker 2:Everything we wanted to do.
Speaker 1:Yeah, our machines.
Speaker 2:Well, they're not our hours.
Speaker 1:Well, the ones we planned to use.
Speaker 2:Yeah, People are gross at the gym too.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:When we went to the gym yesterday there was someone coughing really loudly. And I don't know if you're gonna go to the gym and you catch yourself coughing loud enough for anyone else to hear, you might as well just pack up your stuff and go yeah, you shouldn't be there because this was very loud, very heavy coughing it's like if it's just like that that's okay, but if it's like loud yeah, that was full-on open mouth coughing. Yeah, you might as well just go. You shouldn't be working out if you can't breathe.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:But yeah, that was that Today's Friday. Yeah, it is it's. Do you need to go?
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, I shouldn't be recording if I'm coughing. No, okay, bye.
Speaker 2:That was really quick.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I ran.
Speaker 2:You were ready, ready to run.
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:It's Friday, it's January 10th, 10th 2025.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That's really weird to say, and we watched movies.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:We did not go to the gym.
Speaker 1:Nay.
Speaker 2:Nay.
Speaker 1:Nay. Okay, you are a horse, yeah, or I said no in Swedish.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And why I did that. I don't know.
Speaker 2:No, I don't really know either. You were strongly disagreeing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, ja, okay, that was yes in Swedish.
Speaker 2:Would you like to move on?
Speaker 1:Okay, let's move on.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:That's the cue for me when I'm talking too much.
Speaker 2:Tonight we watched Die Hard 4, Live Free or Die Hard Yay Also SOS.
Speaker 1:SOS and Sea Against Hellscopes, riesa.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I'm going to tell you about Die Hard 4, live Free or Die Hard.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this is a movie with Hard. Yes, yeah, this is a movie with.
Speaker 1:Bruce Willis.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he is not in New Hampshire.
Speaker 1:Okay, no.
Speaker 2:Which does not give them the right to use that title.
Speaker 1:Ah, okay.
Speaker 2:They should have filmed this in New Hampshire if they wanted that.
Speaker 1:Okay, but no.
Speaker 2:That's a New Hampshire thing, that's the the state motto live free or die, oh okay, but no, they were in dc, yeah, and there were some computer hackers and, uh, they were I don't know spreading yeah they did a fire sale. I'm not really sure what that is, though.
Speaker 1:That's when they shut the whole system down.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, okay, and kind of take over. Yeah Okay, they were stealing money.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Right, and that was kind of the point.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and they did like a blackout.
Speaker 2:Of the entire city.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the the point, yeah, and they did like a blackout Of the entire city, yeah, the entire country, country, yeah, yeah, okay, so they did them.
Speaker 2:And Bruce Willis was? He found a hacker friend who helped him.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and he was protecting the guy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so he does that and, yeah, the bad guys got a hold of his daughter and he beat up some bad guys and he shot some bad guys and he threw cars at bad guys.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and he was surfing on the jets, the fighter jet.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he was climbing on a little airplane. Yeah, yeah, and that the little airplane. Yeah yeah, and that's what happened. Yeah Right. What did you think of the movie?
Speaker 1:I think it's a pretty good movie. I probably wouldn't say it's as good as the first movies, but I know that diehard fans, diehard, diehard fans, don't really like this movie, since it's PG-13.
Speaker 2:What's the problem with that?
Speaker 1:I think they feel that a diehard movie has to be violent, has to have violence, and also they need to be able to say the iconic line Yippee-ki-yay mother, beep, Beep, yeah. And they can't say that beep.
Speaker 2:No In this movie so. Well, you can, isn't it?
Speaker 1:Yeah, but it was muffled.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay.
Speaker 1:With a gunshot. All right, Yippee-ki-yay mother.
Speaker 2:Ah, yeah, okay, okay.
Speaker 1:But I still enjoyed the movie. I do. I think it's still good, even though it's over the top. But that's to be expected from these movies, right.
Speaker 2:Yeah For an action movie it's supposed to be a little exaggerated, yeah.
Speaker 1:I was thinking mostly on the, you know, when he was going in the truck and all the bridges were falling down and he was. That's a bit over the top, but still enjoyable in my opinion. Okay, what did you think of the movie?
Speaker 2:I liked the movie. It was a good movie. I liked the flying cars part and, yeah, the bigger action scenes.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like the helicopter getting blown up and the fire extinguisher trick.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was pretty cool. Yeah, and also when the guy was on the fence on the car and they sent him flying.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:That was a cool scene.
Speaker 2:It was cool.
Speaker 1:I remember seeing that the first time. Whoa that was cool.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was a cool movie. Yeah, I liked it, even if it was PG-13. Yeah, I liked it, even if it was PG-13.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it didn't bother me that much.
Speaker 2:No, I don't mind.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:All right, yeah, that's all I have to say.
Speaker 1:Okay so let's move on to SOS and Segel Sällskapsresa. Okay, so this is the third Stig Helmer movie and this time they are sailing. So yeah, it's Stig Helmer and his friend, the Norwegian guy, ole. They go from a costume party and somehow ends up in like the upper class sailing people. Those upper class sailing people are gonna have like a competition or a race, men against women. Somehow Stig Helmer and Ole ends up on the women's side of the race competition. Spoiler alert yeah, did I miss something? This is not a Christmas movie, it's not, it's a Midsommar alert.
Speaker 2:Yeah, did I miss something.
Speaker 1:This is not a Christmas movie, it's not. It's a Midsommar movie. Yeah, they also have other side characters. Funny. There's always one weird family doing other stuff in this movie as well. I think they're funny. I do like this movie. It's funny, and I really like the music in this one. I think this is probably the one of the Stieg Helmer movies that has the best music in my opinion, because I really like the synth music from the A. It has that great 80s feeling and I love that. Yeah, and also I want the Norwegian guy's costume.
Speaker 2:Superman, superman costume yeah, so cool. And Steve Kinnaman was dressed up as the Easter Bunny.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It was kind of funny.
Speaker 1:Funny bunny yeah. So what did you think about this movie?
Speaker 2:I also enjoyed this movie. Yeah, I don't know, I just I do. I've seen it before. I liked it then, yeah, and it's still good. I still like the first one the best though.
Speaker 1:You do Okay. Yeah, I think I like the second one the best.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:I must say that I like the three first movies the best. Those are in the same league for me.
Speaker 2:The rest of them, I'm not sure if I've seen before. Okay, so I guess we'll find out next week. Yeah, if I recognize it or not.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's going to be interesting. That was going to be my question if you had seen all of them. But you, I'm not sure, you're not sure.
Speaker 2:Okay, it's possible but, I, don't remember anything past this one.
Speaker 1:Okay, so yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Anything you want to add.
Speaker 1:I don't think. So I think I got my what I was going to say about these movies, what I was gonna say about these movies, so I feel like I'm good.
Speaker 2:All right, then maybe we should take a break.
Speaker 1:Yeah, let's do that.
Speaker 2:And then we'll get to something hopefully a bit more exciting.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm really curious about what this is gonna be. Yeah, because I don't know.
Speaker 2:All right, we'll see.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:We'll be right back.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Hello and welcome back.
Speaker 2:Hi we're back. Okay yeah, cool Mm-hmm yeah. Yeah that's it. That's about it. You know what I was thinking. Let's read that's about it. You know what I was thinking.
Speaker 1:Let's read the news.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, just going to pull up some things on whatever Google wants to tell me. Okay, google News. Yeah, little articles here. There's some people leaving. Masked Singer, the Swedish one.
Speaker 1:Oh yes.
Speaker 2:Apparently they don't want to be a part of Messinger anymore. No, so it's so there's only going to be two people judging, I guess yeah. Okay, wolf Moon Eats Mars. When to see 2025's first full moon rise and eclipse the red planet? All right, when is that?
Speaker 1:When.
Speaker 2:Let's see Blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah blah, blah, blah, blah blah. The wolf moon will turn full at 528 pm EST on Monday January 13th 2025. But the best time to watch it rise will be moonrise where you are on Tuesday January 14th 2025. So when this comes out, yeah, okay. Cool Moonrise, moonrise Whenever. That is All right. That one's in Swedish. I don't understand what it really said.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:There's this fun picture of a guy with a surfboard in the sky. It looks like he's just kind of standing there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know what's happening.
Speaker 2:I don't know he's pointing to the sky.
Speaker 1:Oh.
Speaker 2:Google starts tracking all your devices. In six weeks, Forget Chrome and Android. So uh, yeah, it's time to start panicking people.
Speaker 1:Okay, so so they're not already tracking? Uh yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they are. Yeah, okay, nothing new no 10 things you don't realize you're doing because you're highly intelligent.
Speaker 1:Okay, that sounds interesting that could be interesting.
Speaker 2:Let's see what this has to say. Yeah, you're always curious, are you curious?
Speaker 1:I'm so curious.
Speaker 2:I'm curious.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You often lose track of time.
Speaker 1:Uh-huh, well, yeah.
Speaker 2:You're adaptable. You tend to overthink things.
Speaker 1:Oh yes, Yep.
Speaker 2:You're a problem solver? No, you're not.
Speaker 1:I think I am.
Speaker 2:You're a uh, you fix this person, you decide you feel deeply.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 2:You often feel overwhelmed by stimuli.
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 2:You're a procrastinator.
Speaker 1:I am.
Speaker 2:You value solitude Alone time.
Speaker 1:Yes, and I do, I really do You're comfortable with uncertainty? I wouldn't say so.
Speaker 2:All right, that was 10 things you don't realize you're doing because you're highly intelligent.
Speaker 1:Okay, so that means I'm not, or?
Speaker 2:am I Somewhat, somewhat.
Speaker 1:Half.
Speaker 2:The five fastest growing six-figure jobs in 2025. What could that be?
Speaker 1:What did you say?
Speaker 2:I don't know the five fastest growing six-figure jobs in 2025.
Speaker 1:Okay, so you're going to get rich.
Speaker 2:Yeah, very complicated things. Nope, I'm not going through that.
Speaker 1:I need that because I'm going to get fired soon. I just got rid of it, so it's too late, okay, oh well, I guess I'll be a bum then.
Speaker 2:You can be a bum.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's fine, that's cool.
Speaker 2:They all sounded way over my head anyway.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean I'll be a somewhat intelligent bum.
Speaker 2:I have a story to tell you.
Speaker 1:Okay, okay.
Speaker 2:When I was in like middle school, I would ride the bus and on the bus there would be this kid who had a speech impediment oh, okay, yeah and so every time he said apple, it sounded like he was saying a-hole ah, oh so he couldn't say p I don't know exactly what the problem was okay but we all thought it was funny. Yeah, so we would have him say Apple all the time.
Speaker 2:Ah so every now and then, I come across these posts online, posts online asking if they are the a-hole for a certain situation. Okay, yes, so this segment is. Am I an apple? Uhhuh okay yeah, I'm pretty fun I'm pretty sure I'm an apple are you an apple? You eat apples all the time I do.
Speaker 1:How did you know? You know, you smell well, that's because I'm not brushing very well.
Speaker 2:Okay, so I have a few conflicts that I want your input here. So am I an apple for refusing to attend a sibling's wedding due to a dispute, if your sister was getting married?
Speaker 1:God forbid.
Speaker 2:I hope not. You know you're stuck with him forever yeah anyway. So yeah, would you refuse to go to her wedding because you, I don't know, we're arguing with her over something yeah or just because because of the husband.
Speaker 1:Yeah, uh, I I would say that, yeah, that would be an apple move not to attend the wedding yeah I would say so, what do you feel?
Speaker 2:I feel the same. I mean, in the end there's still family. You should probably still show up yeah despite what this yeah, I mean.
Speaker 1:Situation is the dispute. You have to put that to the side for the time.
Speaker 2:The occasion yeah.
Speaker 1:And just try to be a good person.
Speaker 2:How about setting boundaries with overbearing parents?
Speaker 1:Setting boundaries. Am I an apple for setting boundaries?
Speaker 2:no, no I don't think so no, really no, you're not, because I mean if you're going to be living together or even not living together you have to deal with these people and they need to know where you're comfortable and where you're not comfortable yeah, and they should know that.
Speaker 1:You know they have to respect what you think and what you feel what about not babysitting younger siblings or nieces or nephews?
Speaker 2:despite being asked repeatedly, I okay um maybe this has happened to you.
Speaker 1:I don't know. I don't think I was asked very much, but I did a few times and they didn't have to ask me. They just had to ask me once, or?
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, but maybe it means like you've been asked many times on different occasions.
Speaker 1:Yeah or not, like many, times for the one occasion, but like a lot of occasions, yeah, and I turn it down every time or say no.
Speaker 2:I mean, yeah, if you just didn't want to, I guess.
Speaker 1:It really depends. If you say no every time, it feels like you're an apple, but then again, if the parents ask you that many times, they kind of feel like apples too. Yeah, so I don't know, it sounds like a bunch of apples.
Speaker 2:Everyone's a bunch of rotten apples. Yeah, asking a family member to move out after overstaying their welcome uh, that's not an apple move mom, can you move out? Yeah, this is your house, but can you leave already?
Speaker 1:yeah, how about you?
Speaker 2:want me to move out?
Speaker 1:I don't't think so you can go first. How about asking if I can move out? Would that be an Apple move?
Speaker 2:Mom, can I move?
Speaker 1:I feel like she would say, yes, that's an Apple move.
Speaker 2:Yeah, telling a partner they need to contribute more financially.
Speaker 1:I mean, that really depends.
Speaker 2:I guess on how much they're already contributing.
Speaker 1:Yeah exactly, and their income? Yeah, that's very. You know that's a lot of variables.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So if they're just like a leech, that doesn't do anything and kind of just you know, then it would not be an Apple move at all.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:That would be. Yeah, I mean listen to. Why Don't you Get a Job Play that song if they're not helping out at all? Yeah, so no? But if they're already contributing, then you shouldn't ask for more if they're, you know, contributing accordingly, you understand.
Speaker 2:Yeah, here's a fun one for you. Yeah, cutting off a toxic friend, but not telling them why. Just completely ditching this person.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I have this.
Speaker 2:This has happened to you personally.
Speaker 1:This has happened to me, not just one time.
Speaker 2:No, no, I only know about the one time, okay.
Speaker 1:Or I don't know. So yes, and I do think this is an Apple move to just Completely ghost someone.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it is Okay but what about the first time, the first?
Speaker 1:time was in school, okay, and one of my best friends just ditched me and the other friend we had and he never told us why. He just well, we kind of understood why, because he found you know cooler friends, but still he never talked to us about it and he never said anything that he was too good for us or anything, but that's what he thought it was, I guess.
Speaker 1:And uh, yeah, so that that was weird yeah and then the second time the second time, that's the one you know about yes, but you should tell the story anyway, because it's so dumb.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, so we hang out like almost every day and, yeah, we went to the gym and we went to like fast food restaurants and ate and we had a great time, really good friends. But then, you know, for some reason we didn't see each other as often and it got less and less and then when I tried to contact him I didn't get an answer and I couldn't reach him. I couldn't. He never answered the texts. He completely deleted his mail. Everything was gone. I couldn't find him at all so he just vanished.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And yeah, I never heard from him again.
Speaker 2:Oh.
Speaker 1:Was that not the one I was talking about?
Speaker 2:That's not the one I was thinking of. Okay, which one was that? Not the one I was talking about.
Speaker 1:That's not the one I was thinking of. Okay, which one was that?
Speaker 2:uh, the, the girl with the food, oh, okay, yes, okay that's what I was thinking of okay, no, that was just work.
Speaker 1:That was a work, uh, friend, uh. So yeah, we we started to talk and yeah, we had fun. We connected in many ways, had like same interests and everything and had very good conversations. The one thing that really set her off was that I was looking at her food once.
Speaker 2:So weird.
Speaker 1:Yeah, one lunch she just got so mad at me and I'm like I don't know what I did. But it turned out because I did ask her why she was so mad and it was because I was looking at her food.
Speaker 2:Were you going to take it?
Speaker 1:No, she said that or she didn't say she. She showed how I looked and it looked like on her expression, you know, mimicking me. It was like ew, you, ew, the expression of disgust after looking at her food. And that was not at all what I was thinking, because I don't.
Speaker 2:You're not that picky with food.
Speaker 1:I am not and I. I think you're a bit better at controlling your expressions as well yeah at least better than I am yeah and uh, I wouldn't judge anyone's food because I, I can't cook, I'm, I'm, really, I'm a really bad cook, so I, I would not ever yeah criticize someone's food yeah like that, so no, that that was absolutely not absolutely not what she thought um, but yeah, you know that uh made her very angry with me and yeah, that's our.
Speaker 2:That was that friendship yeah, I guess, um, just as well. Yeah, you don't need that kind of person no, you have me yeah um, are you an apple for not paying back a borrowed amount due to financial struggles?
Speaker 1:what would you say? Or is it just me saying?
Speaker 2:I mean, it depends on how long, how much time goes by.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, you should not borrow more than what you know you can pay back.
Speaker 2:That's true.
Speaker 1:So yeah, that would be. I mean, if it happened once that you're short of cash, then so be it, but if it happens more than that, yeah, that wouldn't be good.
Speaker 2:No good yeah.
Speaker 1:That's my take. Was that what you said too? Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Reporting a co-worker for inappropriate behavior, even if it causes them to lose their job.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's also.
Speaker 2:What if they're a friend?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:If they're doing something so bad, you feel the need to report it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it's also about how severe it is. You know how bad it is. I mean, if it's something really bad.
Speaker 2:Like if you caught one of your co-worker friends, if you caught me.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:If you caught me stealing something from work, would you report it, risking my job, assuming that I had a job to risk?
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I understand. I don't think I would report it. I think I would have a talk with you first.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And you know ask if I could be in on it.
Speaker 2:Okay, what do you want me to take for you?
Speaker 1:No, okay, I hope our bosses.
Speaker 2:What can I get out of this? Yeah, no. As long as you're benefiting.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly, that was a difficult question to answer, but I think I would report it. Yeah, now I know that you wouldn't do anything like that.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:And it's the same. This way, I guess, I hope.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't think I would report you for anything. No, okay.
Speaker 1:Even if you saw me do something like that.
Speaker 2:If I caught you stealing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I probably wouldn't. No, no, okay.
Speaker 2:I mean you're only in trouble if you get caught. Yeah, that's true. I mean you're only in trouble if you get caught.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's true. I mean it depends on the theft.
Speaker 2:Right, if it's something small, yeah, like if you accidentally stick your thumb in a beach and just kind of leave it there.
Speaker 1:And I mean I know people stealing the knives, oh yeah, well that's work material. Yeah, but still it's not yours.
Speaker 2:No, that's true, and pens. All the pens are gone.
Speaker 1:And I and you know forks and knives and spoons.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the silverware disappears.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the good thing about that is that we don't steal and we know that the other person wouldn't steal right um.
Speaker 2:Are you an apple for not wanting to contribute to a group gift for a boss you don't like?
Speaker 1:so this kind of happened recently, yeah, where people were collecting money for a present for our boss and I did not contribute.
Speaker 2:Okay, was it a birthday or something?
Speaker 1:It was Christmas. Uh-huh A Christmas gift and yeah, I why.
Speaker 2:They probably get something from higher-ups anyway.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So I don't Something better than what we got.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly so I don't. I wasn't what we got. Yeah, exactly so I don't. I wasn't part of it, so no, and I don't think I'm an apple, so yeah.
Speaker 2:Are you an apple for not stopping to help a stranger in need, like if they have a broken down car or something when you're in a rush?
Speaker 1:Here's my view on it, because I'm thinking like someone else can do that, someone else probably will do that.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:But I can see myself not stopping, even though I don't have a driver's license. But you know, I can still see myself in that situation and see me not stopping.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Now the question was am I an apple for that or not? Maybe I am.
Speaker 2:I think you are.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I probably am. Yeah, so a little bit of an apple, I guess I am.
Speaker 2:Yeah, am. Yeah. I mean, if people trip and fall on the sidewalk, I'll at least like ask them hey, are you okay? Okay I mean, I probably won't do much more than that. No, like, do you need an ambulance?
Speaker 1:I won't ask that no, I would laugh and then maybe kick at them oh my god no, I wouldn't. That was a joke. I mean we have laughed at people before where we probably shouldn't have, but in our defense it was funny.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know, here's some parenting situations. I'm sure that you can relate to these.
Speaker 1:Oh yes.
Speaker 2:Are you an apple for enforcing rules that other parents think are too strict? No, I mean well like if the kid says, oh well, my friend gets away with this, they can do this yeah, why can't I? Everyone else has a phone.
Speaker 1:They do.
Speaker 2:They do?
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, I don't think you're an apple for setting. You know strict rules. What do you think you the parent.
Speaker 2:I feel like I'm a pretty strict parent compared to other parents around here and at the same time, I don't even see myself as that strict.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:Which kind of sets?
Speaker 1:the bar around here. That's a little bit scary.
Speaker 2:Like I notice that I'm a lot harder on my kids than a lot of the parents around me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean you set the rules for them. I mean it's so that they can?
Speaker 2:yeah, so that they can grow up to be decent people yeah, responsible people yeah and I don't even ask that much really no and even that small amount is too much for them yeah, so. So maybe I am, maybe I'm an apple.
Speaker 1:I think the you know, other people who don't set much rules are bigger apples.
Speaker 2:Probably.
Speaker 1:And that's.
Speaker 2:Setting up their kids for failure.
Speaker 1:Really, yeah, lazy bums Monsters, I mean rude monsters.
Speaker 2:That's what the kids are gonna be how about telling another parent how to discipline their child? Yeah, um that's a no, that you don't do that, no I know, that's what I was gonna go.
Speaker 1:Come to that and yeah, that would be an Apple thing to try to teach someone else how to raise their kid.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:That's none of your business or mine Anyone's other than that person's.
Speaker 2:It might be my business.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, but then I don't know if this is gonna come up. But how about you telling other people's kids? Is that okay or not?
Speaker 2:Can I tell them off? Is that what you mean?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Maybe side notes here and there, but I don't think I would pull out like scold a child, like I would do my own.
Speaker 1:No, and I also feel like a teacher has. Like, when you're a teacher, you have.
Speaker 2:They walk a thin line.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 2:Because I mean, in a way, they are half-raising your kids for you.
Speaker 1:Exactly, and I don't know how the teachers are nowadays, but when I grew up they could, you know, really tell us off.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean I remember getting told off quite a bit, yeah, by my teachers.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But I'm not sure how strong they are nowadays.
Speaker 1:No, because it feels like nowadays, parents would be mad if you told their kid off.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:In school and that's wrong as well, yeah, yeah I feel that's wrong. Well, yeah, yeah, I feel that's wrong.
Speaker 2:I don't know if I don't think the kids get told off enough exactly I mean it really depends on what my kid did. I mean, if it's small and forgivable, then I mean maybe just talk to them normally yeah but if it was something really bad, yeah, like morally, ethically wrong then they should be told off.
Speaker 1:From what I heard, some kids are disrespecting the teachers these days and that would never happen when I grew up.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:No one would ever argue that much with a teacher yeah no, yeah, no, that that wouldn't happen, no, yeah I have one more okay how about asking an adult child to start contributing rent while living at home?
Speaker 1:I mean, of course, that's not an apple move okay to. If they live at home, they should pay too yeah, I guess, so they should help contribute. Yeah, uh, and they should get a job and, uh, and when they get money they should also help out. Help out and pay bills, because they assuming they do eat and use the electric.
Speaker 2:Oh, the electricity.
Speaker 1:Electricity, internet, yeah all those things. If they're not, if they are locked in the basement or something, then maybe they can get away with it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but they are still using up the space.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's true.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so a little bit Is there a specific age, or does it depend on if they have a job or not?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think that it depends on if they have a job or not, okay, but then again that would not mean that it would be an Apple move to push your kid to get a job.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Because that's what they need to do if they live at home. Yeah, true, true yeah.
Speaker 2:All right. Well, that's all I had.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that was really interesting stuff to discuss. Yeah, I like that.
Speaker 2:So I think we've given some pretty solid advice today Don't be an apple.
Speaker 1:Exactly, and apple has got a new meaning to me. Yeah, to all the people.
Speaker 2:Everyone sees it in a different way? Yeah, yeah. So, matias, will you tell me, as we near the end of the episode, what is it that is currently ruining your life? Apple soda, apple soda, mm-hmm. Apple soda.
Speaker 1:Apple soda Mm-hmm Episode Apple soda.
Speaker 2:Apple cider.
Speaker 1:Ah, okay, Okay. So what's ruining my life? I'm sorry for being stupid.
Speaker 2:What your?
Speaker 1:existence, what no, I'm sorry for being stupid. Um what? Your existence, what no.
Speaker 2:Uh, I'm sorry for being stupid yeah, yeah, your existence, yeah, okay, it's all right, you didn't ask for this. No, it's my parents fault, it's their fault. Yeah, they're the apples they're apples.
Speaker 1:Oh yes, no, I'm kidding, mom, stop, I was joking, okay, so okay. What's ruining my life? It's my right knee.
Speaker 2:Your knee, yeah, yeah, my knee is really weird.
Speaker 1:It's been weird this week, okay, and I was complaining about that at the gym when we were on the rowing machine. Yes and yeah, because it cracked every time.
Speaker 2:You bent your knees, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, that's probably what's ruining my life this week. Okay, and you, what's ruining your life?
Speaker 2:This week I have been overly emotional for no reason at all whatsoever, and it's been really annoying. I'll have a fairly good day and then when I get home, I just crumble to pieces. What is that face?
Speaker 1:It's the face of, I agree.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, your face is agreeing, and that's good, because it's just fact. I don't know what's going on, that's just how it? Is we need to do a weight update.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I can tell you that I lost two kilos exactly throughout the week. Oh, okay. Since last Friday.
Speaker 1:Okay, yeah, oh cool. Well, I can tell you that I gained wine.
Speaker 2:Wine, yeah, really I gained wine.
Speaker 1:Okay, yep, 1.3 kilograms.
Speaker 2:Good for you.
Speaker 1:Thank you, because I think we were talking about gaining weight, right? Um no, oh, darn it. Okay, then I guess I'd lose some weight for next week.
Speaker 2:So your weight adventure journey thing is going great so far.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because I thought we were going to gain weight. But I guess you were wrong, I was wrong and yeah, I have to to admit I was wrong, wow, but big moment yeah, but you know, and now that I know I was wrong, I'm gonna do better next week good and I, and that's a promise okay, all right, good, so yeah, that's that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm out of simps.
Speaker 1:Me too, and that means we're out of episode.
Speaker 2:So thank you for listening to this episode One, one, one.
Speaker 1:Oh, yes, oh, yes you can do that again.
Speaker 2:Oh, yes, no, no, yes, no, no, okay, no, too much, you got too into it. What did I say?
Speaker 1:One, one, one.
Speaker 2:One, one, one, one, one one, spencer, you can't, you can't catch me. I'm the stinky cheese man.
Speaker 1:Yep, and that's it.
Speaker 2:That's yeah, that's it. Thank you for listening to the episode. It's been a lot of fun. We will be back with a new episode next Tuesday.
Speaker 1:Yeah, 1-1-2. 1-1-2.
Speaker 2:We'll be back next week. Thank you, yep. Goodbye.
Speaker 1:Bye-bye. Push the button no.
Speaker 2:Bye. Thank you for listening to the Roasty Toasty Ghosty Podcast.
Speaker 1:If you kind of liked our episode, follow us on the social medias.
Speaker 2:We are on Instagram, tiktok and YouTube at Roasty Toasty Ghosty Pod and Twitch at Roasty Toasty Ghosty Podcast, where we play live man lives every month podcast where we play live man lives every month.
Speaker 1:Consider supporting us on buzzsprout, where you can find deleted content and our entire movie night lists we hope you enjoyed this episode, just as we enjoyed making it and we'll be back with another one next tuesday on a podcast provider near you goodbye matthias, goodbye lauren.