Roasty Toasty Ghosty
It's a weird title to a weird podcast hosted by a couple of weird people talking about weird things.
Roasty Toasty Ghosty
#112: Not Good At Being A Cauliflower
In which Lauren & Mattias read crazy emergency stories. They review their recent movie night films, and discuss various problems varying from math to cars.
- Opening
- Ghost energy drink
- One of a kind podcast
- Math problems
- Weekly check in
- Car issues
- Trash talk
- Weight update
- Movie on!
- A Good Day To Die Hard
- Den Ofrivillige Golfaren
- Intermission
- Tea time!
- Police stories/dispatcher tales
- Lauren’s near death story
- What’s ruining our lives?
- Wrap up
- Listener comments
- Live Mad Libs! February 8, 2025 8pm CET/2pm EST on Twitch @roastytoastyghostypodcast
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Beginning music - Energetic Prog Rock from AdobeStock
Intermission & ending music - Marshmallow Overload by Avocado Junkie
The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
Neither hosts are scientists or historians and all content displayed is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Simply put, not a single word spoken in this podcast is or should be taken seriously.
No ghosties were harmed in the making of this podcast.
In a world where everything is unscripted. This is Roasty Toasty, Ghost.
Speaker 2:What do you think?
Speaker 1:Uh, should we start. Have you chosen a ghost?
Speaker 2:I did. Okay good, I didn't. Should I take it out? I need the glasses. Yeah, glasses first, and I did. Should I take?
Speaker 1:it out. I need the glasses. Yeah, Glasses first, Because and I have no idea what which one it is have you?
Speaker 2:No, I have not.
Speaker 1:No, you haven't washed them.
Speaker 2:No, I haven't.
Speaker 1:No, never.
Speaker 2:Maybe twice.
Speaker 1:Okay, yeah, that's like never yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay, so for this week, we have our last ghost energy drink. We have Swedish Fish.
Speaker 1:Ah, that's perfect.
Speaker 2:Here you get to open it.
Speaker 1:Thank you, and it's blue and yellow.
Speaker 2:Like the Swedish flag.
Speaker 1:Yep, perfect, makes sense, mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:There are Swedish Fish here in sweden yeah, but they are not called swedish fish no but they're very similar and they're do you like them? Yeah, I mean I'll eat them me too.
Speaker 1:They are very sticky, though. Yeah, they stick to the teeth and uh, yeah, I mean they I, if people uh give me one, I eat it, but uh, they're not my favorite. Not not by a long shot yeah but they're okay okay good job thank you, you get the pouring job thank you you're so pouring what I said you're pouring.
Speaker 2:I am pouring.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's what I said.
Speaker 2:That's what I'm doing. I'm doing a poor job.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Now one has slightly more than the other.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you decide which one you want.
Speaker 2:I'll take slightly more.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's okay, cheers, cheers. It tastes like Swedish fish it does and it sticks to the teeth. No.
Speaker 2:I'm kidding.
Speaker 1:It's a bunch of fishes in here.
Speaker 2:They come with the fish. Can you start this already?
Speaker 1:Okay, oh yeah, it's me speaking.
Speaker 2:It's me speaking.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, this is me speaking.
Speaker 2:Who else is speaking?
Speaker 1:I thought it was someone else, I guess not.
Speaker 2:No, it's you. Okay, definitely you.
Speaker 1:Okay, good, Then I can say hello and welcome to Roasty Toasty Ghosty. My name is Matias.
Speaker 2:I'm Lauren.
Speaker 1:And we're going to be your besties for an hour or so.
Speaker 2:Do I have to have it written Do? I need cue cards.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think so, because I thought this was supposed to be unscripted it is unscripted so we have to remember our lines.
Speaker 2:You do have to remember your lines.
Speaker 1:There's not a lot of lines to remember no that's true, but I also think that it's the best podcast out there, or something along those lines.
Speaker 2:You know what I was looking on Spotify. If you also look on Spotify and you look at our podcast, there's a little tab that says more podcasts like this right, yeah. Similar suggestions. You know what?
Speaker 1:comes right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, similar suggestions. You know, what comes up?
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:Nothing. There is no other podcast like this one, and that is how good we are.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, yeah, that's good.
Speaker 2:I think so, yeah, hold on.
Speaker 1:That's how we interpret it. Yes, yeah, it says more.
Speaker 2:We interpret it yes, yeah, it says more like this we couldn't find anything, nothing. This is about as good as it gets.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're one of a kind.
Speaker 2:That's right. And what are we talking about? Whatever we want.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we don't care.
Speaker 2:We don't care, we just say whatever, yeah and yeah.
Speaker 1:That's it.
Speaker 2:Why would you listen to this? I don't know.
Speaker 1:I really don't know. No.
Speaker 2:Because it's kind of funny sometimes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it happens.
Speaker 2:Sometimes we're funny.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm Sometimes.
Speaker 2:Sometimes Not right now.
Speaker 1:No, God no.
Speaker 2:God? No, Definitely not.
Speaker 1:Okay, um.
Speaker 2:Matias yes, did you have something to say?
Speaker 1:Yes, I have a question.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:What's 47 times 32?
Speaker 2:You know I can't do this.
Speaker 1:No, okay, so 7 times 3 is 21. 18? 21.
Speaker 2:18, 21.
Speaker 1:Yeah, 7 times 3 is 18, 21. Yeah.
Speaker 2:What was the other one, 4?
Speaker 1:I'm not sure what was the question. I think it was 47, 32.
Speaker 2:No, because it was a three, because I did seven times three.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's what confused me. 43. What?
Speaker 2:32, 43, maybe I don't really remember what you said.
Speaker 1:No, I don't remember either. Do you know the answer? I don't.
Speaker 2:But uh, we can ask uh the listeners, if you want to, to do the math if, please let us know if you rewind this and actually hear what he has just said. Yeah, then write in the comments the answer yes the question, please.
Speaker 1:We want comments literally anything you know, what?
Speaker 2:there's a little um in the description box of this episode. There's a little link that says send us a text. So go ahead and send us a text. Do's literally like an anonymous message.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like DMs pretty much. Send us a text.
Speaker 1:Yeah, send us a text. And guess what Lauren just tried to say.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the word, she just the word. I just said anonymous Among us?
Speaker 1:Yeah, and also my math question, matias. You know what? I have another question, all right, yeah, and also my math question.
Speaker 2:Matias, you know what, you know what.
Speaker 1:I have another question. All right, how are you?
Speaker 2:I'm good. How are you?
Speaker 1:I'm good.
Speaker 2:Good, mm-hmm, we're actually really good today.
Speaker 1:Yeah, right now. What do you mean Like?
Speaker 2:I'm feeling good.
Speaker 1:Like health-wise or.
Speaker 2:That too, and mental-wise. Right, yes, we both seem pretty good, we're both mental. We're both mentally good. Yeah, we're mental in a good way.
Speaker 1:That's good. Yeah, it is good.
Speaker 2:The fact that we're good is good.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:That's a fact. Yeah, please tell me the story about Saturday.
Speaker 1:Okay, we had a rough start on Saturday.
Speaker 2:Saturday morning.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so this happened after we recorded last week's episode and you were going to drive me home, or?
Speaker 2:yeah, right, and I was in the process of driving you home. Yes, but you know there's a lot of snow out there, or?
Speaker 1:yeah, right, and I was in the process of driving you home, yes, but you know there's a lot of snow out there and somewhere on the way we got stuck.
Speaker 2:Yeah, my car got stuck in the snow because it was really windy and it was kind of snowing. And there's these fields and all the snow was the wind was blowing snow into the road, yep, and usually my car is pretty good with these things, it'll just plow right through. But there was a lot more snow than I had calculated.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And I just went straight into a snowbank pretty much. Yeah, Went straight into a snowbank pretty much.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and what's worse is that we only had like a couple of meters to freedom, to the other side.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we were so close to getting through the entire thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah and no, no.
Speaker 2:Got completely stuck.
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:And you were a superhero and tried I tried.
Speaker 1:You really tried shoveling out all the snow from under the car yes with an ice scraper yeah we didn't even have a shovel no, that was, and now I still have not put a shovel in the car.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, not yet not yet I probably will after this yeah.
Speaker 1:I'm sure.
Speaker 2:Who knows?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean it's gonna be after this. At some point Even if it's like in five years, it's gonna be after this.
Speaker 2:Right, but yeah, the car was not budging, it wasn't going anywhere.
Speaker 1:No, not even a little bit.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:It was completely stuck and, yeah, I tried several times to dig the car out, but no, no such luck. But we were lucky, though, because I got a hold of my mom.
Speaker 2:It's one in the morning, 1.30 in the morning.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I tried calling my mom. It didn't work. For some reason she blocked me or something. She blocked you.
Speaker 2:Like oh, absolutely not.
Speaker 1:Well, maybe because of things like this Just in case. Yeah, so, but she got you know the text, the notifications of me calling.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So that, and luckily she woke up because of that and yeah, she called me back because she can call me Wow yeah.
Speaker 2:You can't call her, but she can call you.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Okay, yeah, you can't call her, but she can call you, yeah, okay. Yeah, we were talking and I asked if she had any idea how to fix this problem and she's like, yeah, we do, for our driveway kind of yeah, it's a driveway, yeah. We have someone who usually helps us plow that driveway and she said maybe I can call them and see if they're awake or not. And luckily the mom in the family was.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And she came to our rescue. Yeah, she came out with the tractor she did and, um, that was lucky, so lucky for us so, so good. Yeah, she was really nice she was, she didn't want anything for it, or? No she, she's just like, uh, no of, of course we have to help each other, and next time maybe you will help me and I'm like I don't know about that.
Speaker 2:What could I possibly do for you?
Speaker 1:You're the one with the tractor.
Speaker 2:I can't do anything no.
Speaker 1:I'm useless. Yeah, I mean, I guess I can get an ice scraper and start digging under your tractor or something. Yeah, so yeah, but we got, uh, we got loose. Yeah, what would you call it? No, we were on the loose.
Speaker 2:Foot loose.
Speaker 1:Yeah, car loose, tire loose. We got tire loose. The car started dancing yeah.
Speaker 2:Dance its way out. Yeah, no, we got pulled out, yeah, and so I backed out of the road and we went right back here where I live, back to your place, and I spent the night here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, on the couch.
Speaker 2:A few hours that were left. It was like 3.30 when we went to bed. Yes, because you poor, you had been rolling out in the snow. Rolling around in the snow for I don't even know how long, no, and you were such a trooper, but all the snow kind of caught up with you and you were freezing so cold. So you got to take a hot shower.
Speaker 1:Yes, and.
Speaker 2:I fixed some tea and a hot blankie for you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, new clothes, new clothes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then we went to bed.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah, that's what happened on.
Speaker 2:Saturday morning. Saturday morning yep, on Saturday day, though, we did go to the gym.
Speaker 1:We did.
Speaker 2:For a bit, yeah, and.
Speaker 1:No, we went to near.
Speaker 2:We went into town Into town. And we washed the car. I was expecting all the ice to melt off. I don't think the water was that hot, though.
Speaker 1:No, I guess not. Some of the ice melted off.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but not all of it. And that was my expectation. Whatever, we also did a little grocery shopping, and then we came back and we had live Mad Libs. Yeah and oh my goodness, last episode we didn't mention Mad Libs at all. Not a single time, no. So I'm going to go ahead and say thank you to the people who joined us for our live Mad Libs.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:On last Saturday.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm sure it was fun. I don't even remember it was fun.
Speaker 2:It went well.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:And then we did talk about our snowy incident, car incident and, among other things, we did have some pretty funny stories as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It was good and I did actually bring you home.
Speaker 1:You did. We took a long way around, but just in case. It was worth it.
Speaker 2:Because it didn't even look like the road had been plowed yet.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:And it had been like an entire day since, so I don't know what happened there?
Speaker 1:We saw like tracks, but that could have been ours.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we went a long way around and we survived that and I made it back home again, you did, which is great, very good. I like that part.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I specifically asked you to let me know when you got back home.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And you did yes, so thank you for that.
Speaker 2:You're welcome.
Speaker 1:And then Sunday happened. Nothing much happened for me on Sunday.
Speaker 2:I don't think so.
Speaker 1:I think that felt like the recovery day.
Speaker 2:Oh, my god, yeah, and to recover from the weekend during the weekend.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and we were talking about like nothing ever happens, we don't have adventures or anything, yeah, and then that happens, we don't have adventures or anything yeah. Then that happens. Maybe not the kind of adventures we want but, it was an adventure nonetheless, yeah.
Speaker 2:I went to spinning on Sunday.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, yeah, I thought you were going to say Spain.
Speaker 2:I went to Spain on Sunday. That was my recovery from the weekend was going out to. Spain, just a quickie. And then I came back Spinning. Was it fun class? First, to work on the core and then there was spinning right after, and I was talking to the instructor afterwards about yoga yeah and how, um you know, their yoga schedule doesn't really fit my schedule. Okay, and she was like oh well, you, we really should get more yoga instructors.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I was like well, I mean, if you find a good course, let me know and I'll take it. I'll do it.
Speaker 1:Do you do yoga.
Speaker 2:I have done yoga.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, it's nice, it's peaceful.
Speaker 1:It's peaceful, it's basically stretching. Have you done the hot yoga where you sweat also?
Speaker 2:no, no, I haven't done that because there's something like that right yeah, that is a thing, but I've mostly done yoga at home. Um, the first time I did yoga I was in a pregnancy group yoga thing class, huh, and that's when I started pretty much.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:And then everything after that I've done at home. And then I just recently, like before Christmas, I went to a yoga class Okay yeah. And it was really nice.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so you asked me if I wanted to be one of the people.
Speaker 2:Yeah, if I.
Speaker 1:What is it called Students?
Speaker 2:Just a I don't know. I don't know.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I guess.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:If you joined my session my yoga session. A joiner.
Speaker 1:Yeah and I. I said you're going to laugh the entire time If I join.
Speaker 2:But I'm going to have a closed eyes yoga.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's a new thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's the trend that I'm starting.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Is yoga, where your eyes are closed the entire time, and I just have to be really clear about what you're supposed to be doing verbally.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so yeah we'll see.
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:I don't think I'm actually going to but it's something I'd be interested in just to put it on my resume, yeah, and I do I get like a discount or do I get to go there for?
Speaker 2:free. I'm pretty sure you'd go for free. Oh yeah, Friends and family discount is free Cool. So yeah, that was a fun impulsive thought that I had.
Speaker 1:Yeah, why not?
Speaker 2:Because I don't have time.
Speaker 1:Okay, yeah, not right now. That's a good reason, maybe in a couple months. Oh yeah, what's going to happen?
Speaker 2:I will have a lot more time to spend on yoga.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm going to do my puzzle when I get fired. And read all of your books. Yeah, wow, oh, my God, I have so much time.
Speaker 2:You know you're not going to do any of this. You're going to sit behind the computer and watch YouTube.
Speaker 1:Of course, but I have time. You could if you wanted to. We all know you better than that and also I have to search new jobs and stuff like that Right, and we have to still go to the gym. Yeah.
Speaker 2:That's too bad.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh well, Okay, so was that Sunday.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Do you want to go into detail on the week or?
Speaker 2:What did we do on Monday? On monday we worked, yeah right yeah, that's what we did yeah I've had a ton of work yeah, on tuesday, though, you didn't work I didn't work on tuesday because my daughter wasn't feeling well. I mean, over the weekend my oldest wasn't feeling well either, but by monday he was feeling better and really restless by the time I got home. So we went out for a walk a night walk and it was nice a night walk well, it was dark okay, so it was night.
Speaker 1:It was me. I'm sorry for distracting you. Yeah, so yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, I stayed home on Tuesday with my daughter, who was not feeling good Okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But I did manage to get a lot of things done around the place and I cleaned and I did some like food prep. And I made meatballs and put them in the freezer Cool right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, wow, yeah, and then should we move.
Speaker 2:I made waffles out of cheese.
Speaker 1:Cheese, waffles, chuffles, oh, what did you call them?
Speaker 2:Chuffles.
Speaker 1:Awesome.
Speaker 2:That's actually a. Thing. Oh, okay, for real.
Speaker 1:Okay, I thought you just made it up, sorry no. You're not that creative.
Speaker 2:No, I'm not that good oh.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry, you actually wrote things down.
Speaker 2:This was my picture for that day. Oh, my goodness, because I was going crazy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I can see.
Speaker 2:There's a big bruise on my forehead.
Speaker 1:Was that a trash bag?
Speaker 2:Yeah, because our trash hadn't been picked up. No, Since Christmas or before christmas even, okay, so maybe we'll get back to that.
Speaker 1:Yes, if people are wondering about my trash, yeah, yeah I think lots of people. That's what uh, what this uh podcast has been lacking trash, yeah, the trash, trash talk oh my god, you're right, we need more trash talk on our podcast.
Speaker 2:Yeah Okay, we'll get to the trash later then.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay, Wednesday we worked overtime.
Speaker 1:We did?
Speaker 2:We were going to go to the gym. But we didn't and my oldest has been wanting to join us at the gym. And we were going to and then we didn't.
Speaker 1:We worked instead. Yeah Well, first time he got sick, so that was his fault this time.
Speaker 2:I just was like nah, I'm going to work instead. He's like okay, I'm tired anyway.
Speaker 1:I was like, whatever, it's fine yeah. Oh, yeah, and during overtime, I actually got to work with you, so that was fun, oh yeah, and during overtime I actually got to work with you, so that was fun For once.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it wasn't very long, but it was still fun.
Speaker 1:Yeah, do you have anything else you want to talk about on Wednesday, or should we?
Speaker 2:That was it.
Speaker 1:Okay, thursday I worked overtime, you did.
Speaker 2:I did not.
Speaker 1:No, why not?
Speaker 2:Because gymnastics started up again. Wow, yeah, that was fun, yeah, that was fun.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And then I went home and I fixed dinner because my life partner was homesick instead, yeah, and he was sleeping, so I got to make dinner. I did not eat the dinner, but I made it.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And then I went to spinning again.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That was that, and today I went to spinning again. Yeah, that was that, and today is Friday.
Speaker 1:It is.
Speaker 2:And the garbage truck finally came to my place and emptied our garbage. We've had garbage piling up for the past few weeks and it's been really annoying, but now it's gone and we're all happy now, and that is my trash talk for today.
Speaker 1:Happy ending.
Speaker 2:It was a happy ending yeah, anything else. Anything else happen today.
Speaker 1:Today Weight update.
Speaker 2:We probably should have a weight update. You want to go first?
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, so from last week. I Last Friday yeah, so from last week last Friday I lost 0.9 kilograms.
Speaker 2:Oh, good job. I lost 0.2.
Speaker 1:Oh, good job. Well, thanks Well you lost weight, so that's good. Yeah, it should have been more, is what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean it should have been more is what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean it should have been more for me as well. I've been so frustrated with myself because I gain too much and then I lose some.
Speaker 2:But yeah, Not a lot, not enough. And today is Friday.
Speaker 1:Like.
Speaker 2:I said it is January 17th.
Speaker 1:We're early, we're early.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was just thinking we're early. It's not even 11 yet.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:January 17th. That's what I said.
Speaker 1:Yes, we did watch movies, we watched movies.
Speaker 2:Would you like to movie on?
Speaker 1:Let's movie on.
Speaker 2:Alright, let's movie on then. Yeah, tonight we watched a good lacking day to die hard.
Speaker 1:Almost.
Speaker 2:A good day to die hard.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:That's the fourth, fifth, the fifth die hard and we also watched.
Speaker 1:Den ofrivillige golfaren, the accidental golfer, the involuntary, unvoluntary, well, involuntary golfer. On the cover, or at least on the VHS cover that we we have at home it says the accidental golfer all right cool and I'm like, oh, it's like the accidental spy, but golfer instead. Yeah, that's where my mind went when I read that yeah do I say it right, accidental, yeahidental. Yeah, accidental, I'm not sure Accidental. Accidental.
Speaker 2:Accidental.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I feel like I'm saying it wrong.
Speaker 2:I don't know. I feel like we're saying the same word.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we are Okay. Maybe I pronounced it wrong.
Speaker 2:I don't think so. No, okay, good, not in my ears anyway, that makes me happy. Good, I'm glad to make you happy I'm a happy boy now, all right, okay, um, a good day to die hard. Yes, this movie has bruce willis. He finds his son in russia yes while on vacation? I guess yeah, because he keeps complaining that he's on vacation, but but it's a die-hard movie.
Speaker 1:so so yeah.
Speaker 2:He's not doing vacation-y things.
Speaker 1:No, it's not a relaxing vacation.
Speaker 2:No, it's not. So, yeah, apparently his son is in the CIA, yeah, doing CIA stuff in Russia, yeah, and, and there's a file they're looking for, but there's also not a file at the same time. And a Russian guy and his daughter. So Bruce Willis and his son beat up some bad guys and that's it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they go to Chernobyl.
Speaker 2:Chernobyl.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Chernobyl. Chernobyl.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, that place.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and they also beat up bad guys there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they do that's it.
Speaker 2:That's all I want to say.
Speaker 1:Yes so.
Speaker 2:Did you like this movie?
Speaker 1:Okay, so this is my least favorite of the Diehards, but and I mean, I've seen it several times times and, like every time, I forget what's happened in the movie that's a good sign, yeah yeah, exactly this time.
Speaker 1:and now I, I do remember, because I made a video about this movie, so I kind of, you know, had to search for good know clips from the movie, good scenes. So now I actually know what's happening in this movie, so it has grown on me, you know. It's not as bad as I thought before, but it's still I mean, way worse than the other ones.
Speaker 2:It wrote on me, but it's still worse than the other ones.
Speaker 1:What Sorry, no oh yeah, not the other ones. Okay, the movie is worse than the other ones. I like the other ones better, but it has grown. I can tell you that I like everyone else's better, but it has grown.
Speaker 2:I can tell you that I like everyone else's better.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I've seen better. This one has grown, but yeah, I've seen better. This is the shortest one, it's just like one and a half.
Speaker 2:Oh no, Okay, I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:Yep, this is all gonna be in the episode.
Speaker 2:Probably yeah.
Speaker 1:I'm too lazy to cut in oh, alright. Okay, so what did you think about this movie?
Speaker 2:Um, I did like it.
Speaker 1:Okay, did you like it better than the other ones?
Speaker 2:I feel like I mean they probably could have stopped by the second one yeah but I guess they did have to bring back, like the daughter and the son yeah and everything, so they couldn't just stop there. But I mean, it was still pretty good yeah it's.
Speaker 1:This one is very dark. I mean not like I mean in the color color. Yeah, it's darker than the other ones and you know the? Yeah, I don't know why. Why they do that? Because it's in the middle of the day and it's still dark yeah um, and that kind of I don't know bugs me um, but and also the it's too much. Handheld camera okay yeah, shaky and handheld, because you can see how the camera is moving, like all the time it never, you know, steady yeah and can?
Speaker 1:I don't really like that. I want it steady.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:So I mean, if it's in action scenes, that's okay, but when people are talking it just feels weird to have the camera moving.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:For me, yeah, and what else? Oh, yeah. Have you noticed like any similarities between the movies? He says the line yeah, yippee-ki-yay mother in all the movies, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:That said in all of them, and Bruce Willis is in all of them.
Speaker 2:He is in all of them.
Speaker 1:There's at least one bad guy who pretends to be a good guy in all of them. He is in all of them. There's at least one bad guy who pretends to be a good guy in all of them.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Something that I noticed with the Die Hard movies. That's kind of funny or, yeah, noteworthy for me is that they are getting bigger in scale, kind of. You know, the first one is just in a tower.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And the second one is in an airport, and then the third one is in a city, new York. The fourth one is in the country USA, yeah, and then now in the fifth one, it's Russia, yeah it. Then now in the fifth one, it's Russia. Yeah, it's like the word, it expands in like every movie. If they made a sixth one, they would have to go to outer space or something. I don't know.
Speaker 2:Is this the last one?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, you said that. Yeah, well, earlier this morning.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, this was the last diehard movie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's never gonna be another one since no because of his health and yeah, unfortunately, yeah, but I mean um. We've seen all of the diehards yeah, good, it's been cool yeah. And now we can move on to the next one, Den ofrivillige golfaren. So this is the fourth movie about Stig Helmer and his friend, the Norwegian Ole, every time and this time he accidentally becomes a golfer. Yeah yeah, golfer, yeah yeah Pretty much yeah, so it's this rich guy who's not a very good golfer.
Speaker 2:Cauliflower.
Speaker 1:Cauliflower.
Speaker 2:He's not really good at being a cauliflower.
Speaker 1:No, he's really bad at that, but he's not a very good golfer either, but um. So there's this um norwegian girl who makes a bet with this guy was she norwegian to that? Okay, um and uh, they. And she says like uh, anyone can, um, you know, get better at golf than you yeah uh, in just one week and um.
Speaker 1:So then you know, uh, stieg helmer is there in the background and he's like, oh so, that guy pointing at Stig Helmer, can he be better? Sure, so that's the bet they have to make Stig Helmer a better golfer in a week. Better than him.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the rich guy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's what the movie is about. And then Stig Helmer and Ole goes to Scotland.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and that's where he learns how to golf.
Speaker 1:Yep from an older gentleman.
Speaker 2:Who's really good at golf? Yeah, a legend.
Speaker 1:A legend, yeah, so what did you think about this movie?
Speaker 2:I enjoyed this movie as well. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:I really like these as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I really like these movies. They're really funny.
Speaker 1:They are. Yeah, okay, that's it.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry, I never know what more to say.
Speaker 1:No, I also like these movies. This is a. It's different, though it's not as yeah, it's different. It's not as yeah it's different. It's not like as physical as the other ones. In a way it's. I'm gonna regret saying this word, but it's calmer, calmer.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know what's a better word to use. It's not Because the other ones, well, the first one is also pretty calm and calm, so but it also has quite a bit of physical comedy yeah, this one, no, the first one, the first one yeah but this one it was mostly like um verbal yeah, that's true, and like puns and stuff and yeah so I don't know. It's not as physical the comedy, but it's still funny.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And yeah, yeah, I don't know, maybe that's it. I think that's it, but it is a good movie, yeah it is a good movie and, yeah, it's going to be fun to see the other ones as well. There are two more. Yeah, and I have seen this movie before.
Speaker 2:Yeah okay, yeah, I remembered some parts of it yeah, okay, good so I have a feeling that I've seen the last two before as well. I know I've seen the last last one the last where where he's an old guy yeah, I don't remember what happens though, but Okay, but I will probably remember when I watch it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, then I'm sure you have seen the fifth one as well.
Speaker 2:I'm pretty sure, I just don't remember what happened.
Speaker 1:No, it'll be nice to watch it. You'll see next week.
Speaker 2:Yes, it's been really nice seeing these movies. I really like them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they're really nice. They're not crude or anything like that rude or anything like that it's good comedy. It's good, it's funny, it's good for the whole family, yep.
Speaker 2:Okay, so maybe it's time to take a break now. I think it's a really good time to take a break. Yeah, we're going to do that and we will be right back.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Hello and welcome to Tea Time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're back.
Speaker 2:We're back.
Speaker 1:With tea.
Speaker 2:With tea. I have tea.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you have. I still have the ghost tea.
Speaker 2:Ghost tea. Yeah, mm-hmm. Yeah, that was good, yeah, I know, so that was good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I know.
Speaker 2:So now we can breathe.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And we can continue this episode.
Speaker 1:Yeah, In a nice calm manner.
Speaker 2:This is my yoga training.
Speaker 1:Good luck with that.
Speaker 2:Thank you, I'm gonna stand on my chair.
Speaker 1:Sit, put on palm.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Are you gonna whine about it?
Speaker 2:I don't like it. It's uncomfortable. I don't like how it feels.
Speaker 1:Alright on to yes.
Speaker 2:Yes, what, what, what is going on?
Speaker 1:What are we doing? What?
Speaker 2:are we doing?
Speaker 1:Do you know what episode this is? One one, two. Yeah, one one, two, and that means something special in sweden yeah, what's it mean? It is the swedish 9-1-1 yeah.
Speaker 2:Swedish version of 9-1-1 it's important to know if you go to Sweden and you have an emergency, you call 112 and not 911. Exactly so. So Today I would like to look up some stories on emergencies Emergencies stories.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Hopefully they're entertaining Mm-hmm To a degree. We'll see what happens.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:This is new, so.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this was just an idea and I hope it's good enough.
Speaker 2:Okay, so I'm gonna start off with the best one.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Because that's what I do.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:You know there's this guy, you know the guy jackie chan yeah he was in a few police story movies. Yes, right, yeah, so we're gonna start with police stories okay um now I get it police officers. What's the craziest situation you've been in? This is off of Reddit and I'm very new to Reddit, so it took me a really long time to find anything.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:But I'm just going to read whatever I find here, all right. So this first one says Showed up to a call once about a baby crying nonstop for hours and no sign of an adult being home. We went into the house and I followed the sound of the crying baby upstairs to find an 18 month old with her arms duct taped to her crib. What why? Yeah Well, I would also be crying.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:I undid the duct tape and it was obvious this was not the first time it had happened, oh God. I brought the child downstairs and outside the mom was walking up the sideway, walking up sideways, okay, like a crab? Yes, the mom was walking like a crab. Yeah, I knew immediately she was on drugs. No Crab mom.
Speaker 1:Crab mom, no, walking like a cat. Yeah, I knew immediately she was on drugs.
Speaker 2:No, um, crab mom. No, the mom was walking up the sidewalk of the house housing unit and flipped out on me. I handed the child off to a patrol and cuffed her. It was the most satisfying clicking of handcuffs I had ever heard. Yeah, um, god what what did she? Just like tie the child down when she went to the store or something.
Speaker 1:I guess Like what was why. I don't know. They should have taped her hands.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:With the.
Speaker 2:The handcuffs.
Speaker 1:Yeah, everything Used all her tape.
Speaker 2:Um, there's an edit here. The father of the child was deployed at the time. From what I heard, he was granted permission to return home and take custody of the child. They got a divorce and I believe he won custody. I don't know what happened to her. As far as a sentencing or jail time, Gosh Gosh.
Speaker 1:Jesus Wow.
Speaker 2:Awful why.
Speaker 1:Why did you do that?
Speaker 2:I don't know, Awful, Okay, yeah. Responded with my partner to a welfare check on an elderly gentleman. Knocked on the door, walked in and couldn't find him. Went to his garage and found him sound asleep behind the wheel. He tried to commit suicide by asphyxiation. Thing is he only had a small amount of fuel and it was a new Civic. He was really mad when he woke up to see that I wasn't St Peter.
Speaker 1:Oh my god.
Speaker 2:Oh, poor guy.
Speaker 1:You're not St Peter.
Speaker 2:I'm not dead. What the heck? Why, oh my?
Speaker 1:God, did he run out of fuel?
Speaker 2:I'm assuming that's what happened yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's.
Speaker 2:Bad luck.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's his fault.
Speaker 2:Oh, here's a funny one. Yeah, that's his fault.
Speaker 1:Oh, here's a funny one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay. My dad's friend who is a cop in North Carolina told me that some teen tried to steal an electric shopping cart from Target with a ton of stuff in it and tried to outrun the cops, but the cart only went five miles an hour for like 25 meters and then the battery died. The cop just asked him to push the cart back since it died and return the stolen items.
Speaker 1:Wow Wait, there are carts like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah for the handicapped or the very large people or anyone too lazy to walk through the store.
Speaker 1:Yeah, or you know.
Speaker 2:You will see those cool, we're not gonna use them no, but I I'm looking forward to see them.
Speaker 1:I never heard of them before all right, do you have something?
Speaker 1:I. I just searched 911 calls and this is an emergency call in California. Okay, so the person says Hi, I just moved here from Kentucky and my cat's been playing with this bug for a real long time and since I'm not familiar with the critters around here, I don't know what kind of bug it is and it's got me real worried. Can you please send me a police officer to tell me what kind of bug it is? Okay, and so the person answering the call- the dispatcher.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the dispatcher went with it and let the police go there and police then checked it out, looked at the bug to see what it was, and then later she texted him and asked what kind of bug was it and he replied it was the lid to a pen. So it was a pen cap.
Speaker 2:Oh, it wasn't a bug it wasn't a bug.
Speaker 1:It was a pen cap.
Speaker 2:Oh, good, good, they're not that dangerous.
Speaker 1:No, I don't think so. That's a weird bug.
Speaker 2:Yeah, All right Well we're going with dispatcher stories. Then instead Someone called 911 because they had put three stools on the curb for people to take for free and someone only took two. Yeah, Got really upset about that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so only took two.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's an emergency.
Speaker 2:A lady called to report vandalism to a deer crossing sign in her neighborhood. Some delightful youth had drawn a penis on the deer. She was trying to tell me that they'd used quality, matte black paint to match the construction sign. But what she said was it's actually a very well-drawn deer penis, Was that?
Speaker 1:a complaint? I'm not sure. Drawn deer penis, uh oh my, okay. So yeah, was that a complaint, or I'm not sure.
Speaker 2:I think, it started off as a complaint and then she's um.
Speaker 1:Somehow complimented them.
Speaker 2:Their artwork.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:It's actually really nice.
Speaker 1:You know what? Tell all your friends to go and come see this thing okay.
Speaker 2:So this one is a little long, but it's kind of funny. So someone had called 9-1-1 and hung up and usually they'll call you back to make sure everything's okay yeah so the dispatcher is, like you know, 911 emergency. Can you hear me and do you have an emergency? And the person whispers excitedly there's dinosaurs. And so the dispatcher says where.
Speaker 2:On the TV. Wow, really, yeah, cool. What's your name, buddy Isaac? How old are you? I'm three years old, three huh, you're a big boy. Say is your mommy home? Yep, she's in the shower. Can you get her? She said not to bother her in the shower, it's okay, it's important. Tell her the policeman needs to talk to her. Okay, he goes, st stomp, stomp mommy. Mom says what I'm soaking wet. The policeman says it's okay, is. Is that the phone? Why do you have the phone? And boy starts maniacally giggling and stomps while running away yeah, yeah. And she says yes, hello, what is it? And police says your son called 911. She says oh, my god, I'm so sorry. I don't know how he got the phone. It's okay, but you may want to have a talk with him about fiction and reality. He told me, he told us there were dinosaurs. She's like, I'm so embarrassed. He says, speaking of that, there are two police officers pulling up to your house, standard procedure when someone hangs up on 9-1-1. You might want to find some clothes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, wow that one was kind of funny. Yeah, could you imagine that?
Speaker 2:oh, my goodness, I can't tell you um. While we would wait in line in the cafeteria in middle school, there was a phone on the wall. You know right where we have our line. I can't tell you how many times people would pick it up and dial 911 and then just hang up again.
Speaker 1:Really.
Speaker 2:I did that once. Oh, okay, and then I got to see the police show up. Then I freaked out, for the rest of the day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you thought they were going after you.
Speaker 2:I don't know. I didn't want to get caught.
Speaker 1:No, I know at my school someone pulled the fire alarm.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh no, and that you get in lots of trouble for that.
Speaker 1:Oh, yes, I think he did because they knew. I mean, the kids can't keep quiet about those things.
Speaker 2:No, I don't think I've ever done that.
Speaker 1:No, it wasn't me.
Speaker 2:Have you ever had to call the police or call?
Speaker 1:112? No, I have never had to do that, luckily.
Speaker 2:I don't think I have either no well, have never had to do that, luckily. I don't think I have either no Well, luckily.
Speaker 1:Yeah, not 112, but 911, you had to.
Speaker 2:Did I call 911?
Speaker 1:Yeah, at school.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I didn't have to.
Speaker 1:No, but I did yeah, and then I hung up. You felt like you had to.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, I felt the impulsive urge to call yeah. And then hang up yeah, but yeah, no emergencies.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:Let's see. One day we were visiting my grandma and there were a couple puppies of hers that had crawled up under her storage shed and fell asleep as puppies.
Speaker 1:As puppies.
Speaker 2:I don't understand.
Speaker 1:Okay so never mind.
Speaker 2:I wanted to continue to play with them and I was worried they were stuck In. All actuality, they were probably under there to get away from my cousin and I. I called 911 and told them about the puppies. They asked me if my mom was around. I thought I was in trouble, so I put my four-year-old cousin on the phone as my mom. She whispered loudly they know I'm not your mom. Then she hung up. Let's just say my actual mom wasn't too pleased when the officer showed up. Aww.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, it would be weird if they couldn't tell the difference between the mom and four-year-old that would be a problem yeah, they're like all right ma mom, all right ma'am okay, um, I once had a man tell me that he was receiving telepathic harassment from out of state.
Speaker 1:Okay, Interesting yeah.
Speaker 2:Another woman called me on a regular line to send an officer, but she wanted us to give her 20 minutes because she was taking a bath at the time of the call.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:I don't know why she wanted an officer. There was no reason. Wait a minute, I'm taking a. Know why she wanted an officer. There was no reason.
Speaker 1:Wait a minute, I'm taking a bath.
Speaker 2:I need an officer here, yeah.
Speaker 1:Maybe she wanted company.
Speaker 2:Maybe, but in 20 minutes. Yeah, I need to get dressed first.
Speaker 1:Yeah, get a good looking one.
Speaker 2:Also had a few 911 calls. One day where people were reporting a loose turkey, I sent an officer and he came back with said turkey in the backseat of his cruiser. We took the turkey into custody and I called animal control because it was a domestic turkey and not a wild type. Oh, it was someone's pet turkey.
Speaker 1:Did they put the cuffs on?
Speaker 2:I don't think so. I actually had to argue with animal control to come get the turkey, which they eventually did.
Speaker 1:Wonder what time of year this was.
Speaker 2:I don't know. Okay, so I'm originally from Western New York, moved out to Vermont. I was still in training when I received this call. So the dispatcher police person.
Speaker 2:An elderly male, is on the phone very concerned. His wife had gone to the grocery store and when she got back she opened the bag of potatoes and there was a large bag with some white substance in it. I immediately start smiling. This gentleman starts going on about how he wants an officer to come collect this bag because in his mind he just found like $90,000 worth of cocaine. I then ask the man to grab the bag and read to me the brand, and it was Heiner Waddle's famous original salt potatoes.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, so it was salt.
Speaker 2:But he's not convinced and wants to speak with an officer. So I put one of our night officers on, and she doesn't know what salt potatoes are. Neither do I no uh. So I'm sitting there call playing in my headpiece while she talks to him, then from the background you can hear his wife screaming honey, it's salt. I immediately lose it.
Speaker 2:Both as they have finally found out it's not drugs and that the fact that this elderly woman just went ahead and tried it yeah, and stuck an unknown white substance in her mouth to see what was gonna happen oh my god I don't even know what salt potatoes are.
Speaker 1:I've never heard of that no, but I'm guessing it's potatoes, and you get a bag of bag of salt so you can salt the potatoes.
Speaker 2:I guess. So Huh, that's different.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, never heard of it, but that's my guess.
Speaker 2:One more yeah.
Speaker 1:All right.
Speaker 2:I had a lady call and say you know the bridge on this road over this river. Well, there's alligators in the river. Yes, ma'am, this is Florida, but my kids play in that river. There's a rope swing just a quarter mile from the bridge. I'd suggest not letting your kids play in gator-infested rivers. This is Florida. Are you not going to do anything? No, you can call FWC. They handle gators, but they're not going to remove gators from that river. We've asked. Their response is, and I quote don't go into gator infested rivers. This is Florida.
Speaker 1:Okay, yeah, I mean. So that's not up to the parents to teach?
Speaker 2:the kids.
Speaker 1:No, you have to do something.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you do it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and you have to remove the gators, not the kids. Yeah, the kids should be there, not the gators. Yeah, makes sense, maybe not. Do you have any stories about emergency calls yourself.
Speaker 2:I've never called, but I've had people call for me, yeah because I was the emergency. Oh yeah, let's see. The one time I can remember was when I almost died, oh yeah, from blood loss. Oh fun, gory uh story here. Okay, so I had like just given birth to a sick child, like two weeks prior, prior, prior, prior prior richard richard prior, yeah, prior prior um so sick child was two weeks old, okay and I was. And I was having some complications where I was bleeding a lot.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:With ginormous clumps, blood clots, coming out of me, and so I was like standing in the shower waiting for it to go over. I was like, just you know all right, Because I mean it's not uncommon to have blood clots and lots of blood coming out of you. I mean you bleed for a good few weeks after giving birth, so but this just wasn't stopping. I was in the shower for a really long time and my life partner was taking a nap with sick child on the couch and I was getting a little lightheaded. So I call out for my life partner. I'm like, can you help me? Like, help me clean up a little bit. There was a lot. There was a lot of blood everywhere.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And since I was getting lightheaded, I ended up sitting on the toilet instead and just let everything come out.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:On the toilet and he was like, do you want me to call, like, for an ambulance or something? I was like, no, no, no, everything, I'm fine, it'll go over, it's fine. And then eventually, as I was getting more and more lightheaded, yeah, I was like didn't stop yeah, it was not stopping.
Speaker 2:I was like, maybe you should call so he called and a couple of nice ambulance ladies came over and I mean, of course, they were kind of shrugging it off a little bit, as they like to do here, because since I was sitting on the toilet, oh, maybe it looks like it's a lot, because the water makes it look a lot worse than it actually is yeah, I was like I'm not sure I've been in the shower too I've been in the shower for a really long time.
Speaker 2:It's clogged up with my blood clots. No, it wasn't, but it could have been, yeah and so, yeah, I was mostly dressed at this point, and they helped me get fully dressed and walked me out onto the couch so I could lay down, and then they decided to bring me to the hospital. It was clearly not an emergency, though, because they didn't have the wee woos going on and I don't think they even had their lights on, and I don't think they even had their lights on, so I was laying there in the ambulance.
Speaker 2:This is fun Ambulance ride. I was, you know, mentally I was like you know what, I could probably die. I might die, this might be it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, then.
Speaker 2:I was like I can't die. I just had a baby, I want to watch him grow up and everything. Yeah, it's like this might be it. I've lost so much blood, I'm dying, definitely. So we get to the hospital and they do an ultrasound on me. I'm like this is weird, because I only do ultrasounds when I actually have a baby inside me and they're like you have another one. So I was like looking at the screen and was like where's the baby? There's no baby.
Speaker 1:They're like we don't know how to tell you, but you don't have a baby anymore. I don't know where it went. It's gone.
Speaker 2:So they decide to do a procedure in which they scrape out my uterus to get all of the blood clots out.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Sorry if you're squeamish, but this is just what happened. Yeah, just what happened. Yeah, and this is a procedure they usually do for miscarriages, because they have to, you know, empty everything out, yeah, take out the dead baby.
Speaker 1:Yes, sorry.
Speaker 2:So they do that. And well, I was really happy I got to take a nap, but it was a really quick nap. It was like six minutes, okay, like at least 10 minutes, but it was still a nap. They put me under, and I was really happy about that.
Speaker 1:Okay, yeah, it feels like you don't want to take a nap if you lost a lot of blood. But under those circumstances, I guess it's okay. Yeah, because you're in good hands.
Speaker 2:It was so funny. Before all of this, when they were doing a checkup on me, they asked me if I wanted to borrow some clothes. I was like, yeah, I'd like to borrow some clothes, but all the clothes they had were white.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, not for long.
Speaker 2:No, so I put on these clothes and I'm like I have to pee, I'm going to go pee, so I try to stand up but everything just like goes completely white.
Speaker 2:You know and it gets super dizzy and so I need help walking to the toilet. And oh my gosh, I love nurses to the toilet and oh my gosh, I love nurses. They are superheroes really because this nurse helped me to the toilet. She helped me change my clothes. I had to get a whole new set of clothes because as I was walking to the toilet, I was bleeding through everything and I was apologizing. I'm like I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. I'm so sorry I'm such a mess, but we got through it. I had the procedure done and I I don't think they actually read our like journals or like why we're there or what has what anyone has done to us, because or they see what we were doing there, maybe because after I had my procedure done, I was in a room resting, um, and you know, coming back pretty much yeah and a nurse a different nurse comes in asking how I'm doing and everything, um, like I'm okay, but where's my baby?
Speaker 2:I was looking for sick child, because my life partner and sick child were somewhere I didn't know where they were, though they weren't in the room with me and she gives me a look like in shock, like what do you mean? Because, like I said, this is a procedure done for miscarriages yeah so she's looking at me like what are you talking about?
Speaker 2:do you know what just happened? I was like you know my baby, he's two weeks old, he's, he's somewhere in the hospital. And, yeah, she didn't realize that I didn't actually have a miscarriage that they were just cleaning out my uterus. She thought I wanted to see my dead baby.
Speaker 1:She's like here, have a pillow.
Speaker 2:So that was my story. It was kind of funny yeah, uh, so I I survived, by the way I did not die.
Speaker 1:Okay, that was my blood loss.
Speaker 2:That was my question but I think I was getting kind of close to needing a transfusion.
Speaker 1:Oh, so, yeah, wow yeah, uh scary yeah uh, but um, so did, did they? Did they find like a you know um wound or something?
Speaker 2:no, they didn't find anything actually wrong since it bled so much yeah. No, I don't think they found anything that was actually wrong, so they just emptied it okay and hoped for the best yeah, and you're still alive I'm still alive.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's good yeah, yeah, I never, never been through anything like that at all. I never went with an ambulance or anything like that that's good yeah, it's good, but that also means I don't have stories to tell.
Speaker 2:That's unfortunate.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's good, but could be better.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, in that case that's it.
Speaker 1:We're done, I think, with the yeah, emergency calls and stuff like that.
Speaker 2:It was a fun segment.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was new.
Speaker 2:It was different.
Speaker 1:I don't think we ever done this one before, no, this no true stories like that or random people's stories no, exactly okay, so I guess we can do this again.
Speaker 2:You know episode 9-1-1 I thought we were only doing 700 episodes yeah, but uh, you know we can, we can skip to. Okay, all right um, matias, will you please tell me what is it that's ruining your life right now?
Speaker 1:I don't know. Not much is ruining my life at the moment, is it?
Speaker 2:I don't know. I don't know about you.
Speaker 1:No, okay, we focus on you and let me think a little bit. So now I want to know what's ruining your life 0.1 kilos is ruining my life. Yeah, I mean, that's a good answer. Your weight is ruining my life.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, my weight is ruining my life. Yeah, yeah, my weight is ruining your life. Yep, you don't like my weight.
Speaker 1:Well, it's going so much better for you than for me.
Speaker 2:You think so?
Speaker 1:Yes, I know so.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Because you have lost. What is it like 0.2.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but from the start of the year what?
Speaker 1:is it like 0.2. Yeah, but from the start of the year.
Speaker 2:Okay, Then so far this year I've lost 4.1 kilos.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I have lost 0.3 kilos.
Speaker 2:That's good.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I think you're doing better than me Maybe, but still.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean. The problem for me is that I gain so much weight before I lose it. Yeah, so that doesn't make a huge difference.
Speaker 2:No, I guess not.
Speaker 1:So I guess that's ruining my life.
Speaker 2:I'm all out of sips.
Speaker 1:Wait a minute. So am I? Oh, okay, it was a quick minute, yeah, so if we all out of sips, uh, wait a minute, so am I, oh, okay. It was a quick minute. Yeah, so if we're out of sips, yeah, then we must be out of episode.
Speaker 2:Aw, hmm, that's too bad.
Speaker 1:Yeah, nothing you can do about that.
Speaker 2:Oh, Alright. Well, I would like to thank our listeners for listening to this episode and remember people. Comment, comment, comment send us a text yeah click that link in the description and see what happens yeah also, uh, support our show and get subscriber only content by subscribing. It's only three dollars a month yeah, that's nothing it's hardly anything and you get random commentary that doesn't make it to the episode. You might even get to hear some secrets yeah sometimes things come out.
Speaker 1:Reference.
Speaker 2:That is a reference, and it's still a weird line.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it is.
Speaker 2:But it's true. Sometimes we tell secrets in our leftover episodes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I mean, you probably have a job or something, so you could afford $3 a month.
Speaker 2:If you're not already subscribed, or following or liking or whatever that button is, go ahead and do that now, so we know you're out there. Yeah, and comment and send us a text and let us know you're here, you're listening, and let us know if you like us. Yeah, or let us know if you like us.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Or let us know that you don't like us.
Speaker 1:Sure.
Speaker 2:That's just as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Let us know that we're okay.
Speaker 1:Let us know that we exist.
Speaker 2:Let us know that you can hear us.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:If you can hear this right now, let me know.
Speaker 1:Exactly, or have we had on mute this whole time?
Speaker 2:I really hope not.
Speaker 1:For like two years plus two years now right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh, I have an old comment, that a few old comments that I forgot to read last week.
Speaker 1:Oh really.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Okay, so number one avocados are fruits, and I really like the idea of guacamole being fruit salad.
Speaker 1:Okay, is that someone I know?
Speaker 2:Yes, this is the same person. This comes from my sister, Heather, who is our favorite listener.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:She also says Die Hard is a Christmas movie because it takes place in the Christmas season.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:I also think that Adam's Family is a Christmas movie because the first scene has carolers and Wednesday and Pugsley are in a school Christmas play. That's interesting, because I don't remember that.
Speaker 1:No, neither do I, but I'm sure that's the case.
Speaker 2:Rent is also a Christmas movie.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:All right. Once again, thank you for joining us for our Live Mad Libs. I'm sorry I didn't say that last week, but our next one was February, february, february, february Eighth what was that? February 8th February, february 8th.
Speaker 1:What was that?
Speaker 2:February 8th. Yes, february 8th, 2025. On our Twitch.
Speaker 1:Yay.
Speaker 2:So what.
Speaker 1:What times?
Speaker 2:Um. We start at 8pm Central European time.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Sweden time. Sweden time Sweden time. But Eastern Standard Time would be 2 pm.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, do the things.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know what to do.
Speaker 2:You know what to do. We don't have to say it again.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:You already know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so just do it, and if you don't know, listen to any of the other episodes we've made.
Speaker 2:Or continue listening to the end. Yeah, we'll be back next Tuesday with another amazing episode.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And have a nice life.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you do that. Yeah, Good luck with that.
Speaker 2:Good luck and good night. Good night, bye, bye-bye. Thank you for listening to the Roasty Toasty Ghosty Podcast.
Speaker 1:If you kind of liked our episode, follow us on the social medias. We are on Instagram, tiktok and YouTube at RoastyToastyGhostyPod.
Speaker 2:And Twitch at RoastyToastyGhostyPodcast, where we play live man-libs every month.
Speaker 1:Consider supporting us on Buzzsproutout, where you can find deleted content and our entire movie night lists we hope you enjoyed this episode, just as we enjoyed making it and we'll be back with another one next tuesday on a podcast provider near you goodbye matthias, goodbye lauren.