Roasty Toasty Ghosty

[Leftovers] #113

Subscriber Episode Lauren & Mattias Episode 113

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Beginning music - Energetic Prog Rock from AdobeStock
Intermission & ending music - Marshmallow Overload by Avocado Junkie

The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
Neither hosts are scientists or historians and all content displayed is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Simply put, not a single word spoken in this podcast is or should be taken seriously.

No ghosties were harmed in the making of this podcast.

Speaker 2:

hello hello, hello, hello. Wow, it's such a big difference, okay, so hello, hello, hello, hello, hello hello you can put this on repeat for like hello, hello hello, hello hello hello, hello hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello hello but you want it to be like kind of yellow.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, we want it yellow. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because then it's loud and clear yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, hello, hello, hello Hello.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Testing, testing.

Speaker 1:

Are we testing?

Speaker 2:

I think so Okay, are we going to do that for like half an hour or so?

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, hello, hello Hello.

Speaker 2:

We can do that for an hour or so we're good, how's the gain. Gain is straight up, straight up now all right good, it was a little bit to the side, oh, but now it's straight up now it's straight up you fixed up? No, is that what she sings?

Speaker 1:

Straight up. Now tell me, do you really want to love me? Oh, oh, oh, that one Just a hit and run.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, paula Abdul, it's straight up, right. Yeah, straight up. Now tell me it is Paula Abdul. Paula Bully Bumper. Yes, yeah, I think it's yeah yeah, who sings the song?

Speaker 1:

oh? She's in the dragon I believe so oh wow I don't know, I never got the job she.

Speaker 2:

She fell for her yeah we're desperate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we need to get money somehow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Hmm, do-do-do-do-do. Now I have that song on my brain.

Speaker 1:

Okay, On me brain. So how exciting does a weight loss boot camp sound to you?

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

The work isn't fun, fun, but everything afterwards is supposed to be good right. Yeah, I'm a big bad loser you have a problem with hot beaches. Yes, yes, my goodness, okay. Words and animals no no, no, you're going too far.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I like to hug me some trees.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever hugged a tree?

Speaker 2:

I probably have, okay, because I have a lot of trees and I didn't have a lot of friends, no, and my mom was always angry and my dad was always working, so yeah, you needed someone to love you. Yeah, I needed a hug from someone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's why you don't like hugging, because I don't know, you can get splinters yeah. You can get splinters from hugging.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I've witnessed that firsthand.

Speaker 1:

I can't compete with a tree.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm not hard enough.

Speaker 2:

No, no, that's too bad. Yeah, so yeah, but let's apply for farming, I guess.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We're not going to have jobs anyway, so have nothing else new as well. I'm going to tell my job coach that you know what, don't bother, I'm going to win farming.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that's going to hold me over for like three months, and then I'll figure something else out after that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and she's like good plan go for it, she's like next august 15th august 15th, I gained 13 kilos so when do you actually hit 13 if you're a kid? Well, x is about 16, okay okay, that's, but then again I was was he a heavy baby?

Speaker 1:

yeah, when he was born okay, so was I.

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, no, uh, my 13 was that I got 13.

Speaker 1:

Are you making things up?

Speaker 2:

No, you're trying to think of what you got. I got a small shirt with the number 13 on it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, is this true?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Do you have pictures?

Speaker 2:

Yes, all right.

Speaker 1:

I was still born with 13.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but that was like almost two years after.

Speaker 1:

Uh-huh, why did you have a shirt with the number 13?

Speaker 2:

Because they thought I was an unlucky baby.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They called me an accident.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why, but yeah, I don't know, I was also an accident. I feel, like a lot of people were accidents.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think Freya and Axel were the only ones who were actually planned.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, or Accidentally planned.

Speaker 1:

On my end at least.

Speaker 2:

Freya was Okay.

Speaker 1:

The other end was freaking out, okay, but Axel, both sides were on the same page.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Henrik was wanted, but unexpected. Oh, not a mistake, not an accident.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

A happy surprise. Yum, what's this?

Speaker 2:

What's what?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I get a YouTube notification, but it wasn't you no.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, no, no.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No no.

Speaker 2:

No, okay, so no, my 9 plus 1, 91, that's 10.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You have. This is 10.

Speaker 1:

That's 1.

Speaker 2:

That's 10. This is my 10. I put it right here. Okay, on your can. Then we have February. It right here. Okay, on your can. Then we have February. That's two, yeah, and then 21. And that's two and one, right, mm-hmm. And 20, like, two minus one makes three, uh-huh, plus 10. That's 13.

Speaker 1:

What about me? You Do my math.

Speaker 2:

You were born on the 13th. Okay, so 93, 12, and month is the 6th. 6 plus 1 is 7, minus 3 is 4. 13, 17. Okay, so your number is four Thirteen seventeen Okay. So your number is seventeen, hello. So that's why I was kind of gone for a while, because I was trying to, you know, get my thirteen.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And now I got there, so I'm happy.

Speaker 1:

You're happy Good.

Speaker 2:

I think I was born like at one in the afternoon.

Speaker 1:

Actually that's 13 I was born at like 4 30 in the afternoon.

Speaker 2:

That's six, it's half 17 yeah, half 17 half of 17 yeah, which is eight and a half.

Speaker 1:

I guess so yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Not 13. No.

Speaker 2:

But it's okay. Do you have any ideas?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh good, I like it, do you? I don't.

Speaker 1:

Good, I like that Because my ideas are the worst. No, they're not no.

Speaker 2:

No, it was a joke.

Speaker 1:

You had a good idea last week, yeah it was okay. So shut up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I will.

Speaker 1:

Don't talk like that. Okay, so I'm going to take a quick nap, and then I'm going to start this.

Speaker 2:

No one hears what you're saying.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap.

Speaker 2:

Ow oh, oh Wee.

Speaker 1:

Oh Okay.

Speaker 2:

All right.

Speaker 1:

Are we starting this then?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're the one speaking today.

Speaker 1:

I didn't shake it again.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, very bold of you, bold.

Speaker 1:

For not shaking it yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm bald.

Speaker 1:

You're bald, I'm bold, bold Bowled.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You're so bowled.

Speaker 1:

Bowled. Oh yeah, it's time to breathe. Okay, you said curious. I thought you were going to say, cute, i'm's time to breathe. Okay, you said curious. I thought you were going to say cute, I'm too cute to leave.

Speaker 2:

I'm too cute to leave.

Speaker 1:

That's right. You're not allowed to leave because, you're too cute, yeah Um.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, ghost, I don't know. I'm sure I had one, I don't remember which one it was now, I have a few of them around here. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

There's the cherry one and oh, there was a Warheads watermelon. Oh okay, well, I don't think I even have all of them. One, two, three, four, five, oh six. One, two, three, four, five, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Out of eight.

Speaker 1:

I guess two of them got thrown away.

Speaker 2:

Oh, too bad, but you know.

Speaker 1:

Or they're hiding. You got the majority of them yeah, yeah, no, I have a Pop-Tart box. I don't think there's anything in there.

Speaker 2:

Oh okay, oh well, nothing here, I guess. No, no, no, but I think it was. Yeah, they were cool.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I Do you mean like on the sides, or like inside and outside?

Speaker 2:

Well, it feels like you know the joint or what you know between. Okay, so there's where it hurts on this one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

This one just hurts on the outside here, okay. So yeah, I was um doing some editing, that's it okay yeah uh, wednesday or thursday it's warm. Okay, in here too yeah, yeah also when doing spinning oh yeah, okay, yes, oh, you were so bored sleeping, not when we go to the states, though no, it'll be winter, yeah, I know, yeah, and they're becoming like less of a thing, unfortunately they're like dying off.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's, it's really sad, because it's so fun I'm not even sure if it's a thing in sweden I don't. I've never seen or heard of anything like that no, him and ole decides to go, or and hope you don't get balls in your mouth or something. Keep your mouth closed.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, what Anyway?

Speaker 2:

It's nothing dirty. No, if you thought that was dirty, it's your mind. Okay, I don't remember my last recording numbers. Do you remember yours Maybe?

Speaker 1:

Was it the 17th?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's right. Okay, matthias. Yes, I bunked the table. Oh, yeah, that most people are too afraid to change.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, makes sense, I was doing so well, yeah, people are too afraid to change. Okay, yeah, makes sense.

Speaker 1:

I was doing so well.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And then I stumbled yeah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, that's one, yeah, oh a spider, oh God, hi spider. You just climb right up there and make yourself at home. Yeah, it's nice and warm and comfy. No laying eggs, because that will be a problem why, because I have too much technology in here oh for baby spiders. I don't want baby spiders in my computers okay can you get rid of it sure?

Speaker 2:

where? Where do you want?

Speaker 1:

to just bring them outside outside.

Speaker 2:

Outside in the Like outside world.

Speaker 1:

Okay, sure, I'm gonna pause this, is that okay, yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh, that was rough.

Speaker 2:

Where were we?

Speaker 1:

The burp was really gross.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I can't do this anymore, okay, bye-bye. Thank you for listening. Bye-bye. I can't do this anymore. I'm doing bad advice oh, okay, you're doing that it's supposed to sound like it's good, but it's really not okay, okay I'm not adding my explanation, I'm cutting that. It's supposed to be funny, oh yep, I'm doing right. Oh, my goodness Okay.

Speaker 2:

Did we get any comments or anything from last week when you checked?

Speaker 1:

No, no comments other than which ghosty drink was our favorite. Okay. I already answered that one you already answered.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I already answered that one you already answered.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, remember when we were saying which ghost drink was our favorite.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, yeah, okay, yes, in the beginning of the episode. Yes, oh, so that was a question, mm. Oh Okay, I didn't know.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, but yes.

Speaker 2:

We did answer that. And yeah, that's. We did answer that. And yeah, what, what? Yeah, so today we had snacks. I'm so we're not proud of ourselves. What I'm waiting for that Okay.

Speaker 1:

What you don waiting on you, okay, what.

Speaker 2:

You don't want to talk, or?

Speaker 1:

I don't have anything to say.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You can't be upset that I don't have anything to say.

Speaker 2:

No, but I tried to like say something about we bought candy today and, but you don't want to. To say no, but I tried to like say something about we bought candy today and but you don't want to talk about that. I feel like this is not gonna be 40 minutes, right?

Speaker 1:

yeah, well, okay, sure on the dot or 39 minutes. Okay, at least that's the minimum now, right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Since that's the shortest one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I think that's.

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