Roasty Toasty Ghosty
It's a weird title to a weird podcast hosted by a couple of weird people talking about weird things.
Roasty Toasty Ghosty
#117: Heat Of The Movement
In which Lauren & Mattias celebrate Mattias’ birthday with presents and some facts about Mattias. They review their recent movie night films, and discuss various topics such as fika and hair.
- Opening
- Happy birthday Mattias!
- Weekly check in
- Sick people & hopeless people
- Cake
- Half of a weight update
- Movie on!
- The Last Boy Scout
- Joker
- Intermission
- Unwrapping presents
- 10 facts about Mattias
- Wrap up
- Live Mad Libs! March 22, 2025 8pm CET/2pm EST on Twitch @roastytoastyghostypodcast
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Beginning music - Energetic Prog Rock from AdobeStock
Intermission & ending music - Marshmallow Overload by Avocado Junkie
The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
Neither hosts are scientists or historians and all content displayed is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Simply put, not a single word spoken in this podcast is or should be taken seriously.
No ghosties were harmed in the making of this podcast.
In a world where everything is unscripted. This is Roasty Toasty Ghost.
Speaker 2:This is a song that I heard once. It's called Happy Birthday, and I hope you like it.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:It's kind of stupid.
Speaker 1:Okay, maybe I should make a video about it. You should, yeah.
Speaker 2:So I'm going to record it now, and then you can make a video later.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Mattias. Happy birthday to you, did you like it?
Speaker 1:Yeah, good, I never heard that before that before. No, I'm gonna use that song for bruce willis's birthday video.
Speaker 2:that's good I'm wearing the accidental spy you do yeah, the, the first picture that I took with this shirt on was februth.
Speaker 1:Ah, my name's day.
Speaker 2:So it's been about a year.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Since I've had it and I like it a lot.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's a good shirt.
Speaker 2:It's dirty. Now I need to wash it.
Speaker 1:It's a good shirt.
Speaker 2:It is. I've been wearing it for a week straight.
Speaker 1:Wow yeah, never taken it off.
Speaker 2:No, I shower with it. Okay, it's a little messy.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm very excited for this episode. Good, so maybe you should start it.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to start it. I can open this, but I'm not going to talk that much.
Speaker 2:No, you have to open the episode, yeah.
Speaker 1:I will open the episode, but I won't talk. Yes, I will the episode, but I won't talk. Yes, I will.
Speaker 2:For the entire episode, exactly Okay.
Speaker 1:Because it's my birthday and I decide I'm not going to talk at all. Okay, I'm going to open, hey you don't Quiet on set. Shut up. You don't make that noise. It's supposed to come from over there. You're doing it wrong.
Speaker 2:I exploded.
Speaker 1:Okay, what did you say before? Quiet on set.
Speaker 2:Quiet on set. Take one Cut.
Speaker 1:Another one.
Speaker 2:Take two Okay. I have to resort to sound effects now. Yep, hello and welcome to Roasty Toasty Ghosty. My name is Lauren.
Speaker 1:I am Matias.
Speaker 2:And we are your hosties.
Speaker 1:We are.
Speaker 2:Of this super amazing pasta Pasta.
Speaker 1:Pasta, pasta, pasta.
Speaker 2:Super amazing pasta.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:We're also going to be your besties for the next hour or so.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm Yep.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I agree. Yeah, we're also gonna be your besties for the next hour or so. Yep, yeah, I agree. Cool as usual, okay, and this is gonna be a really good episode pretty sure we're not drinking well alcohol no, no, that's true there's no alcohol involved this time. I'm pretty sure for the past two Matias birthday episodes we were drinking.
Speaker 1:Okay, not today. Not today, no, satan Okay.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 1:You didn't. You get the reference.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but it's not making things better. No, matias.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:How are you doing?
Speaker 1:I'm doing good, I'm doing well.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Much better than last week. Good, and how are you doing?
Speaker 2:I'm doing all right. I'm really tired.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna tell you why I'm really tired. Not right now.
Speaker 1:Maybe later. Okay, secrets, secrets.
Speaker 2:Until later.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Then secrets until later yeah, then, then you'll get it, yeah, and then we don't have any secrets anymore.
Speaker 2:Right, I'm planting the seed, ah I'm okay okay yeah, it's my birthday yeah, we say that we did, did, we, we did.
Speaker 1:Okay, we did After the show started or after I don't know.
Speaker 2:We'll see when this episode airs. I couldn't tell you.
Speaker 1:Wait a minute. Okay, do you mean like you can edit it together so you get the right?
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Hmm, yes, hmm. Okay, that was just a question because I didn't know you could.
Speaker 2:I can do things like that. Wow I have editing powers.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, that's cool.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but yes.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:What have you been up to this week?
Speaker 1:I've been sick.
Speaker 2:You have Forever.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's been awful. Hmm, I've been sick. You have Forever. Yeah, it's been awful. I didn't like it why? Why was I sick? Why was I sick?
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:That's the question.
Speaker 2:Because everyone's been sick lately.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:There's something awful going around right now.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I didn't like it.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:I didn't, that's true, so I stayed home for several, several days.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I didn't like it.
Speaker 1:You didn't, no, you sure, I'm pretty sure okay so saturday I stayed home being all sick and stuff.
Speaker 2:Stuffy, stuffy, stuffy Okay.
Speaker 1:So what did you do on Saturday? You slept.
Speaker 2:I really hope that I slept. No, on Saturday I didn't get to sleep because I taught gymnastics.
Speaker 1:That's why you're so tired.
Speaker 2:Maybe that's just the beginning, okay.
Speaker 1:It all started on Saturday. You slept at the gymnastics.
Speaker 2:I didn't get to sleep there that's how I think you're teaching I might as well you run around over there. I'm gonna take a little nips I mean, we have the, the mats. There's some pretty thick ones, I can sleep on those. No, we did gymnastics and then, I believe, I went to the gym by myself.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because I was sick you were.
Speaker 2:I went to the gym and then I went into the sauna.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay.
Speaker 2:And then I went home.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:What did I do for the rest of the day? I was doing my very best to sweat as much as possible. I even took a bath. I was trying to get all the waters out of me. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I've been struggling, I feel like this week, and I'm trying to be okay with it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was editing though.
Speaker 2:You did edit, did edit yeah, that's good oh yeah, saturday got kind of messy because there was melody festival and again and I was trying so good, trying so good.
Speaker 1:I was trying so good yeah, you were trying so good I was trying so good just like with your speaking. Now, right, you're trying so good. I Just like with your speaking now Right, you're trying so good.
Speaker 2:I'm trying. My trying skills are so good.
Speaker 1:You're trying your very goodest.
Speaker 2:My very goodest. I was trying really hard to be good, yeah, but the kids had candy and mommy is a candy thief.
Speaker 1:Your kids said candy they had candy, oh they had. My kids had candy and mommy is a candy thief. Your kids said candy they had candy, oh they had.
Speaker 2:My kids had candy and mommy is a candy thief.
Speaker 1:Huh, makes sense.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so it didn't go that well Wow.
Speaker 1:Wow.
Speaker 2:Oh my goodness, it didn't go that wow. Wow, and then Sunday.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Was another day, yeah, that happened. I another day, yeah, that happened.
Speaker 1:I was sick.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:Stayed home, but I did edit.
Speaker 2:That's good, and I don't think I really did anything that exciting. I went grocery shopping.
Speaker 1:Oh, wow.
Speaker 2:Yeah, very cool.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yep, I did that.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't know. And then I went spinning later that evening, I think.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then Monday happened.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And I went to work and then I went to yoga. Nothing that exciting. No, I stayed at home sick and then Tuesday at home sick. And then Tuesday I also went to work Monday and Tuesday. I worked and then Tuesday evening my daughter started getting a fever, so I stayed home on Wednesday.
Speaker 1:I just want to say that Tuesday I stayed home sick.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you did.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you didn't.
Speaker 2:let me say that I didn't want you to say it.
Speaker 1:Why not?
Speaker 2:I have editing powers.
Speaker 1:People want to know what happened with me on Tuesdays. They're like why don't we get to know about Mattias Tuesdays?
Speaker 2:Tuesdays specifically.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:No one wants to know.
Speaker 1:No, Mattias and Tuesday nah Not interested.
Speaker 2:No one wants to know. No, matias, and.
Speaker 1:Tuesday nah, not interested.
Speaker 2:No, there's no one searching Google for Matias and Tuesdays no.
Speaker 1:Maybe it's secrets.
Speaker 2:There are secrets that happen on Tuesdays. Maybe, I don't know, I'm not there.
Speaker 1:No, it's secret.
Speaker 2:So my daughter had a fever and I stayed home on Wednesday and I was just so lazy I didn't do anything like the majority of the day. We just laid around and watched Fireman. Okay yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I wasn't that sick on Wednesday, but I went to a funeral, my uncle's funeral, so I stayed at home. That well, not at home, but at the funeral or at the church, and then you know the FICA afterwards.
Speaker 2:Of course, yeah, that's important.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Anything else.
Speaker 1:Wednesday, wednesday, wednesday no, not really.
Speaker 2:Yeah no, I didn't even go to the gym on Wednesday, I just did treadmill in my office here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you didn't go to the boxing.
Speaker 2:No, I'm not going to go by myself. No, no, no, thank you, I really couldn't. I didn't ask.
Speaker 1:No, no, I know, but.
Speaker 2:I didn't want you there. No, no.
Speaker 1:I didn't want to be there Good, because I was coughing a lot Coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing.
Speaker 2:Coffee.
Speaker 1:Coughing.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:I was drinking coffee, a lot Coughing, coughing, coughing.
Speaker 2:So unlike you.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Thursday.
Speaker 1:Happened?
Speaker 2:Yes, I stayed home with my daughter still.
Speaker 1:I worked.
Speaker 2:You didn't.
Speaker 1:I did.
Speaker 2:You shouldn't have, but you did.
Speaker 1:I should have and I did, okay, and yeah, you even brought me there and I'm thankful for that.
Speaker 2:Even though I wasn't going to work, I still still got up really early, went all the way to your place, picked you up, brought you all the way to work and then went all the way home, yeah when I could have been sleeping.
Speaker 1:I wasn't gonna be sleeping at that time anyway no, okay there's something in my eyeball I'm sorry for making you do that, all that, but it was really nice of you for doing that and I am really thankful for that. Thankful and sorry.
Speaker 2:Okay, you're welcome.
Speaker 1:I kind of feel bad about it, but I'm also very thankful. So good. It kind of feels good too that you did that. I'm happy about it. I appreciate that you did that for me. You're welcome, Thank you.
Speaker 2:I still stayed home on Thursday.
Speaker 1:You did.
Speaker 2:But on Thursday I was a little bit more productive. That's good In a way, kind of, but not really Okay. I spent most of the day in the kitchen cooking random things. I couldn't even tell you what I did. I know that I prepped one meal for next week.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:The rest of the things were just like random, small, like desserts and things. They're all gone, of course.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:But yeah, I found some videos on Facebook of like really easy, really yummy things.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And I wanted to try, I don't know like all of them at once.
Speaker 1:So you did, so I did yeah.
Speaker 2:And then I watched Pixels with my daughter.
Speaker 1:I love that movie.
Speaker 2:It is such a good movie. I love the movie too. You've seen good movie. I love the movie too.
Speaker 1:You've seen it before. Yeah, it's so funny yeah.
Speaker 2:And it's very, very good. How was your Thursday then?
Speaker 1:It was good I was working and the workday went fast.
Speaker 2:Good.
Speaker 1:I think working one day each week would be a good thing.
Speaker 2:That's good enough. Yeah, that's enough.
Speaker 1:One day a week, yeah.
Speaker 2:I could do that.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I went to work gymnastics Thursday evening and then I usually go spinning after. I'll go home for a little bit and get some cleaning done and then go to spinning. I wasn't up for it. Oh, okay, I just didn't want to spinning, I wasn't up for it. No, okay, I just, I didn't want to, I didn't want to so I didn't go okay. Yeah, I've been having a week, I don't know, somewhat giving up yeah, kind of feeling, okay, yeah we're like everything just feels like it's falling apart, so I'm just I'm not gonna anything up.
Speaker 1:No, I don't really care. Drop everything.
Speaker 2:I'm dropping everything. I'll pick it up at another time, yeah. But, not right now. My body's not up for it.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:My body is saying I'm tired and I don't feel like taking care of myself.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:It won't be forever, it's just for now, yeah. I should be allowed to do that sometimes. Yeah, yeah. So my kids being sick is probably a good thing.
Speaker 1:Mm yeah.
Speaker 2:Mm. And then today happened.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Today's your birthday.
Speaker 1:It is.
Speaker 2:It's Friday, February 21st.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:And we celebrated your birthday.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Oh, I'm going to tell you why I'm so tired though. Okay, because last night my youngest sick child he got really sick, he got croup. Whatever that is Croup, I think it's called croup.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Which is really weird. It's a weird name for something.
Speaker 1:Weird podcast.
Speaker 2:It's a weird name for a weird podcast hosted by. A's a weird name for a weird podcast hosted by a couple of weird people talking about weird things. Yeah, I'm not really sure weird sicknesses and that's what happened. We laid on the couch and had the window open, and it's so cold, but that's the best way for him to breathe when he's in this condition. Condition.
Speaker 1:Yeah, condition.
Speaker 2:Condition. And yeah, he had a really hard time sleeping and I wasn't that comfortable, so I didn't sleep very well last night and that's why I'm so tired now and now. You know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I do.
Speaker 2:You do. I got to stay home with a sick child today. My daughter was feeling better so she left.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:She just got up and left.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:The kids have the week off because it's February vacation.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:February vacation Sport love. Yeah, the sport vacation, mm-hmm, mm people do that yes. Do sports and stuff.
Speaker 1:I remember having my birthday every year on Sportloft. That was so nice not to go not to. You know have to go to school on your birthday.
Speaker 2:Why don't jobs recognize birthdays? Why don't they be like you should have the day off on your birthday?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't want to work on my birthday.
Speaker 1:No, but it doesn't work like that in school either.
Speaker 2:No, but it should.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean I took the day off.
Speaker 2:This year? Yes, yeah.
Speaker 1:I mean, I could have done that the other years too.
Speaker 2:You could have.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't think you did.
Speaker 1:I don't think so either. Could have.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't think you did, I don't think so either, but this year I decided, I'm going to take my day off. That was a good idea. Yeah, I hung out with sick child and I bought you cake.
Speaker 1:Yeah, a very good cake.
Speaker 2:It was a little sad because it was a little broken on one side. And then, as I was driving home, I realized that the seat warmer was still on and I put your cake on the seat. And I was thinking all the way home the cake is melting.
Speaker 1:The cake is melting.
Speaker 2:I felt the seat and, yeah, it was really warm. I was like oh no, the cake is melting. I'm glad that I didn't put the ice cream on the seat it's melting.
Speaker 1:It's melting.
Speaker 2:I'm glad that I didn't put the ice cream on the seat. It's melting yeah.
Speaker 1:It's melting. Yeah, I think the reason I took the day off was that it was a Friday.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:My plan was to spend the day with my family, the morning and, yeah, the early day.
Speaker 2:The early days.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the early days, you know back in the days. No, back in the early day with my early days. Yeah, the early days, you know back in the days. No, back in the early day today. Yeah, that's when I spent the time with my family, my parents and my sister, and no, she wasn't at home oh she abandoned me she's so mean she, yeah, she abandoned me. She didn't even text me or anything oh my gosh, how rude yeah, I know, I mean after everything you've done for her.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this is how she treats you well, yeah so tell me about your fika and everything you got today.
Speaker 1:Okay, for fika we had smörgåstårta sandwich cake.
Speaker 2:Yum.
Speaker 1:Really good, I love that. And then we had another cake, the Schwarzenegger cake.
Speaker 2:Yum.
Speaker 1:Not really Schwarzenegger but it's funnier Schwarzwald.
Speaker 2:Schwarzwald, yeah, or something like that. Yeah, it's really good with Schwarzwald. Schwarzwald, yeah, or something like that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's really good with the meringue Meringues.
Speaker 2:Meringues.
Speaker 1:Meringues.
Speaker 2:Mm.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's what we had, and I also had an energy drink, an energy drink.
Speaker 2:An energy drink.
Speaker 1:Yeah, drink.
Speaker 2:Drink.
Speaker 1:An energy drink, an energy drink? Yeah, drink drink an energy drink an energy drink? Yeah, yeah, I told you three times. Did I say drank or what?
Speaker 2:I'm just repeating you okay well, you repeated yourself.
Speaker 1:So I thought I would continue repeating, okay, yeah an energy drink yes, that that was one of the presents I got, because for my sister I got like oh yeah, I got socks and candy and energy drinks energy drinks, yeah, okay uh, and for my mom I got a charger cell phone charger, not energy drinks. Not energy drinks? No, no, disappointing that's sad. Yeah, but I got, you know, scratch tickets.
Speaker 2:Oh good.
Speaker 1:Lottery tickets yeah, trees, oh, and I won.
Speaker 2:You did 30. 30.
Speaker 1:Yep, so you can go get another, one another one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, how long do you think you can? Get that, uh, once, once, okay, yeah, I don't think there was a time when I got new ones like all the time and I didn't have to pay for so many lottery tickets, because I could just pay for another one with my winnings yeah. I was on a streak. It was really cool, and then I lost, and then Then you were on the streets. I was on the streets. Yeah, that was the end of that, anything else.
Speaker 1:I don't think so. No, that's it.
Speaker 2:Okay, it was pretty good, you've had a good day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I had a good day. Good, did you have a good day?
Speaker 2:I guess. So yeah, somewhat.
Speaker 1:It was a pretty I mean gray day.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean the rest of the week was sunny and I wouldn't say warm, but on the warmer side it's still really cold.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was nice out though, yeah not today.
Speaker 2:No, it's been gray and kind of sad yeah that was my birthday. Yeah, but it's also a Friday.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's always good.
Speaker 2:We did watch movies.
Speaker 1:We did.
Speaker 2:We also ate cake.
Speaker 1:We did.
Speaker 2:We ate pizza cake. Oh, did we also ate cake?
Speaker 1:We did we ate pizza cake, oh yeah.
Speaker 2:And regular cake. Yeah, no ice cream.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:Did not have the space for that.
Speaker 1:Exactly.
Speaker 2:But we also watched movies.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but should we do some kind of update?
Speaker 2:No Weight update. Why would we update anything?
Speaker 1:Because I want to.
Speaker 2:Okay, you can give an update, but I can't because I don't think I looked.
Speaker 1:Okay, since last Friday.
Speaker 2:And the Friday before that.
Speaker 1:And the Friday before that.
Speaker 2:And the Friday before that.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:And five Fridays before that as well.
Speaker 1:No, no, just three Fridays in a row. Okay, but this time it's different. I lost 0.9 kilos.
Speaker 2:That's really good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, almost a kilo.
Speaker 2:You just gained it all back. Yes, and done some yeah it's just because you were sick.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I do lose weight when I'm sick. That's when you can tell I'm better.
Speaker 2:When it all comes back.
Speaker 1:Yeah, when I'm starting to gain weight. Oh, okay, I guess I'm better now.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, good for you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you finally moved. Yeah, but next week I'm going to be week I'm going to weigh more, way more.
Speaker 2:Way more. It's Friday and we watched movies.
Speaker 1:Would you like to move on? Sure, let's move on.
Speaker 2:Today we watched the Last Boy Scout and Joker, not with Heath Ledger.
Speaker 1:No, not with Joaquin Phoenix Phoenix.
Speaker 2:Okay, let's see if I can tell you about the Last Boy Scout.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh yeah. By the way, both of these movies we watched tonight were from 1991.
Speaker 2:Which is the year that you were born?
Speaker 1:Yes, so that was planned.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:From my side, yep.
Speaker 2:The last Boy Scout is a movie with Bruce Willis.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm. And the guy Wayne Johnson, yeah, almost Almost Damon Wayans, wayans, almost.
Speaker 2:Almost Damon Wayans.
Speaker 1:Wayans, wayans.
Speaker 2:Wayans, what, what.
Speaker 1:Damon Wayans.
Speaker 2:Really.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, no, I thought his last name was Waynes.
Speaker 1:Waynes Wayne.
Speaker 2:Wayne.
Speaker 1:W-A-Y-A-N-S.
Speaker 2:Okay, I was wrong then.
Speaker 1:Hmm.
Speaker 2:From my Wife and Kids. Yeah, yeah, I used to watch that show all the time.
Speaker 1:Hmm, I've never seen it.
Speaker 2:Okay, In this movie Bruce Willis is a detective.
Speaker 1:Hmm movie.
Speaker 2:Bruce willis is a detective and I guess he's trying to crack a case, and hallie berry is in the movie yeah and then she stops being in the movie and um, what's his name again? Damon damon wayans was hallie berry's boyfriend yeah and yeah, and he also wants to find out what happened to her why she stopped being in the movie. Why did you stop being in the movie?
Speaker 1:That's the case.
Speaker 2:Why did Halle Berry stop being in the movie? Is the entire point of this movie. I'm trying to figure out why. So they, I don't know, run around and they beat up some bad guys and he has a daughter who swears a lot and there's always.
Speaker 1:Bruce Willis has a daughter.
Speaker 2:Yeah, bruce Willis has a daughter who swears a lot, and there's always someone bleeding from the mouth in every scene.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And it has nothing to do with Boy Scouts.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:It's just the fact that Bruce Willis was a Boy Scout at one point. I think that's all that happened.
Speaker 1:Yeah, cool. What did you think about this movie?
Speaker 2:I thought it was a fun movie. I enjoyed it. I did Good yeah, what did you think?
Speaker 1:Okay, so this movie, I love this movie. This is my favorite Bruce Willis movie ever. This is my absolute favorite of his movies, all of his movies.
Speaker 2:Mine too.
Speaker 1:Is it?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I decided that while I was watching the movie.
Speaker 1:Just now.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, no, no. While I was watching the movie, I decided this is my favorite Bruce Willis movie ever. Yeah, that's when it hit me.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Not just now. Okay Now.
Speaker 1:Good yeah, I really love this one. It has great action. People are bleeding from the mouth.
Speaker 2:That's the best part.
Speaker 1:And Dick Butkus.
Speaker 2:Dick Butkus. Oh my God.
Speaker 1:I mean, that's a real person.
Speaker 2:Yes, I realized that at the end during the credits.
Speaker 1:Well, I told you before.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah, I realized by the end, like before it ended, that his actual name is Dick Buttkiss.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That made me laugh.
Speaker 1:So I mean we're not saying anything bad.
Speaker 2:No, it's just his name.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're saying a name.
Speaker 2:That's his name.
Speaker 1:Dick Butkus.
Speaker 2:Oh, I said Butkus.
Speaker 1:Butkus. I do really love this movie. It's directed by Tony Scott Uh-huh, great director.
Speaker 2:He doesn't have a funny name.
Speaker 1:What he?
Speaker 2:doesn't have a funny name.
Speaker 1:What he doesn't have a funny name no, he's done a few good movies though okay, a few good men no, was that him? No no that was tom cruise I don't think he directed that you might have.
Speaker 2:Maybe he probably stuck his opinion somewhere.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, that's true.
Speaker 2:And then afterwards he was like yeah, I co-directed.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I suggested something for that one scene, so now I'm a co-director.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but Tony Scott. He directed movies with Tom Cruise like Top Gun and Days of Thunder.
Speaker 2:I haven't seen anything.
Speaker 1:No, okay, ever but you have seen beverly hills, cop 2 I did, and that's not tom cruise no, but it's directed by tony scott okay, who directed this movie?
Speaker 2:oh?
Speaker 1:okay, that's why's it I'm not gonna name any more movies, because I don't think you have seen any other tony scott movies no, I haven't but you will okay so are we done with this movie?
Speaker 2:I don't know. I wasn't sure if you were done or not are you done with this? I'm done with this movie.
Speaker 1:You don't like it in the world oh, I thought you didn't like it anymore. I don't like it anymore I'm done for now okay, next movie was joker joker from 1991 right uh, this movie movie. It's a Swedish movie.
Speaker 2:Yeah, with an English title.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it is so. This movie stars Björn Hrifts, the Uggasjaka guy.
Speaker 2:Hooked on a feeling guy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, hooked on a feeling guy Uggasjaka, uggasjaka, yep.
Speaker 2:That's it.
Speaker 1:That's it.
Speaker 2:Alright.
Speaker 1:Time to take a break. No, okay, no, I'm kidding. So in this movie he plays a guy who likes to do practical jokes and his friend is getting married. So he and other friends plan on kidnapping the friend who's getting married for the bachelor party.
Speaker 2:Which is a normal thing here, doing like life or death situations.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like really I don't know, putting the person in a situation that feels really dangerous and really freaks them out. Yeah, for fun, yeah, okay yeah okay, so back to the movie.
Speaker 1:The problem with the the kidnapping is that at the same time there's another kidnapping, a real kidnapping going on and the victims, or the kidnapping victims get switched, switched up. So Björn, or Nicke as he's called in this movie, gets the real kidnapping victim and the bad guys get his friend Pelle. He realized that when he takes off the mask and he has to try to save his friend from the bad guys.
Speaker 1:But he gets pretty close to them, yeah, and like, really yeah he infiltrates them by saying he's a weapons expert and I don't know if he's not a weapons expert? No, not really. He just you know, when he's checking a weapon, weapon, he just comes up with words from nothing yeah it's kind of funny.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's. It's a silly movie, it's very. It's stupid when you think about it, but it's. You're not supposed to think about it, it's just having fun. That's all you have to do. And I like it, I, I do I really enjoyed this movie yeah good that that's. That's fun to hear, even though you had a little bit trouble to stay awake.
Speaker 2:But yeah, well, that's just because I didn't sleep well last night.
Speaker 1:But I appreciate that you tried to stay awake as much.
Speaker 2:The parts that I did see, I did enjoy Good.
Speaker 1:I do like this one.
Speaker 2:Me too.
Speaker 1:Good, anything else? No, do you have anything you want to say about this movie? Nope, I liked it, you liked it, it was good.
Speaker 2:And that's all. Yeah, would you like to take a break? Yeah, all right, we'll be right back. Yes, hello.
Speaker 1:Hello.
Speaker 2:Welcome back.
Speaker 1:Yes, you are welcome back.
Speaker 2:Thank you, thank you.
Speaker 1:Thank you.
Speaker 2:On to the good part.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:The super fun, exciting, extremely amazing second part, which is good, I think, is the title of this next part.
Speaker 1:Okay, I thought you would say the title for the episode.
Speaker 2:That's the title of the episode. So, Matthias, it is your birthday.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:And I know you like to do best for last, but I'm not doing that today.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:All right. If you look up behind you, there is a basket of things, and inside that basket of things is a nicely wrapped present.
Speaker 1:Wow.
Speaker 2:Just for you, you wrapped something, so you are so tall.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You can stand up and go get it.
Speaker 1:Well, I can do it from the beginning.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, it was a birthday present, because the wrapping paper didn't fit around the box completely.
Speaker 1:Oh.
Speaker 2:So I couldn't put that under the tree. Now you get to open your present.
Speaker 1:It's nicely ripped.
Speaker 2:Now I wrap this during Christmas just to get it all over with, so I don't really remember what is in there. So you get to surprise me. Oh, my god.
Speaker 1:Oh my god, oh my god, oh wow what'd you get? It's a god. I got candy yay I got all green spieler cars, cars. You know what? What I got this from my sister as well today.
Speaker 2:Cool.
Speaker 1:Awesome. I love them.
Speaker 2:They're good.
Speaker 1:What the?
Speaker 2:heck is this. You got those from your sister too.
Speaker 1:It's funny because I got socks, and I got socks from my sister as well.
Speaker 2:Look these match.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, I love bananas.
Speaker 2:Okay, it's random to say.
Speaker 1:I do Banana. Oh yeah, maybe I should. It was turtles on the first pair of socks and bananas on the second one. This is Is that tacos.
Speaker 2:Tacos or just Mexican food in general. Mexican food because you've got some guacamole and salsa and tacos. Tacos and burritos nachos. Yeah, very nice, love it and uh, chili, peppers, chili, oh, that's some garlic.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, yeah, Tomatoes, and I got some palm trees. Palm trees, thank you. And here, pizza, pizza socks. Whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, pizza socks. Oh, I love these, did they? Oh, they came in this.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Very nice and cool box. Where did you get these? Where did you get these? Where did you get these?
Speaker 2:Do I have to tell you?
Speaker 1:No, you don't, but I'm just curious.
Speaker 2:This is a re-gift. This was something that my oldest had gotten and he didn't want them, and they just happened to be your size, so I figured throw it in the box.
Speaker 1:I love them. I love them so much. Thank you.
Speaker 2:You're welcome. That's not all.
Speaker 1:No, that's not all.
Speaker 2:This is the second half. Ooh, chocolate, chocolate.
Speaker 1:Oh, pop-tarts, pop-tarts, Pop-Tarts. I love Pop-Tarts. These are chocolate. Ooh, more Pop-tarts, pop-tarts, pop-tarts.
Speaker 2:I love pop-tarts. These are chocolate. Ooh, more pop-tarts. Hot fudge, sundae.
Speaker 1:Hot fudge, sundae Pop-tarts. Pop-tarts I love pop-tarts and a book. Oh, thank you so much. I love this too. Okay, so this is a Swedish book. It's like a continuation of a movie series, a Swedish one. They wrote two books. This is the second book. It's called Johan Falk, de Döda och De Levande. Yeah, yeah, I love it. And you know what?
Speaker 2:What.
Speaker 1:I've been thinking about buying this book.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I'm so glad I didn't.
Speaker 2:I was praying and you know what, what I've been thinking about buying this book yeah, I'm so glad I didn't. I was praying this entire time that no one would buy it for you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was thinking like, should I buy this book? But I was also thinking like maybe I should wait until after my birthday, just in case someone buys me this book.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was a good choice. That was very wise of me and I was kind of waiting until after Christmas to see if I should send it back.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, I'm so, so, so happy.
Speaker 2:Good, good, good good.
Speaker 1:I love all of these things.
Speaker 2:Do you know what I'm going to ask? Yeah, okay.
Speaker 1:You want to taste the Pop-Tarts?
Speaker 2:Would you mind sharing one with me?
Speaker 1:I don't mind at all.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Which one do you want to share? Share, share, not chair.
Speaker 2:Which one would you like to chair?
Speaker 1:Do you want to chair?
Speaker 2:I want a chocolate one. Chocolate one, is that okay?
Speaker 1:Yep, you can open it. Oh, you want me to do it. If you want to, you're the American.
Speaker 2:I don't want to. I don't like it.
Speaker 1:The birthday kid shouldn't have to work.
Speaker 2:I guess not Ew.
Speaker 1:Mmm Yummy. Thank you so much for the birthday presents.
Speaker 2:You're welcome.
Speaker 1:Did you have other things to talk about? Maybe, okay.
Speaker 2:So on birthday episodes we compile a list of facts about the birthday person. So I have a list of ten things I know about Matias.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Ten things that I know about Matias.
Speaker 1:Okay, 10 things that I know about, matias. Okay, okay, shoot.
Speaker 2:So this list is not so much like the past couple of years.
Speaker 1:Okay, Okay, because I feel like is it about me as a kid?
Speaker 2:Yes, I did some research.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:No, everything the past couple years has been like super positive and you're like amazing and okay, now it's all the shit about me no, it's more honest okay we'll put it in a nice way, it's honest aka all the shit about Matias. You might not like it. Not all of it is bad. Okay good Parts of it, okay, so let's see if we get in a fight today. Number one I'm not allowed to correct you. You don't like being corrected, you like to be right. What the?
Speaker 1:No, yeah, well, it depends.
Speaker 2:Okay, that's it, it depends. Okay, that's it. That's it, it depends. You're not going to elaborate.
Speaker 1:It depends on what you are referring to. Or if, say, you try to correct me about something like Jackie Chan, I would be very defensive because I I'm such a big fan of his and I would really stand my ground.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you also don't like it when I correct your English.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's more about me being mad at myself for not knowing.
Speaker 2:Okay, you know. But some things like how are you to know?
Speaker 1:I should know.
Speaker 2:You should know everything.
Speaker 1:I should, yeah, and that makes me just disappointed in myself, that I didn't know or that I should know and didn't say it the correct way.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:You understand what I'm trying to say. Yeah, it's the same with you and Swedish. You don't like me to correct your Swedish either.
Speaker 2:That's something that I really need to get over. I know that, yeah, yeah, because I mean I would like to be better so that people can understand me.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And I don't know not laugh at me.
Speaker 1:I mean, if you say something, we do understand what you're saying.
Speaker 2:It's just wrong.
Speaker 1:It's maybe not grammatically correct, we still understand what you're saying, what you mean by the sentence. That's my problem too. Sometimes I say it the not correct way. I mean in your defense. I have known English longer than you have known Swedish.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I'm mostly self-taught in my Swedish, so everything I say is wrong pretty much.
Speaker 1:What In Swedish?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:No, not at all. Maybe some words here and there.
Speaker 2:Okay, so all of them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, every single one of them. You haven't spoken Swedish at all, you just think you do. We're like what's that?
Speaker 2:What is she saying? What language is this? Yeah, okay, number two this is a good one. I'm not gonna feel good about this. You get really stuck on things and you because I'm so fat your disgusting sweaty body just sticks to everything.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You have a hard time letting things go.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, I'm sure.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:That's just. That's the next one that I had.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Let's see Examples.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm working on those Okay.
Speaker 2:They're coming. Okay, because I knew what I was talking about when I wrote this down.
Speaker 1:Okay, when did you write that?
Speaker 2:Earlier this week, on Tuesday. Okay, I started it, at least I wrote most of it, and then I finished it while I was watching the movie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, I know what you mean and you are correct.
Speaker 2:Yeah. I know that I'm not proud of it, but Like sometimes it's just really small things that maybe I mentioned one time and you have to like make a big deal out of it later on.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm yeah.
Speaker 2:I know there is something. Yeah, there's something.
Speaker 1:I know one thing.
Speaker 2:Okay, what.
Speaker 1:Like filling out the form.
Speaker 2:Yes, that's also correcting you which I wasn't correcting you.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:I never did correct you.
Speaker 1:No but.
Speaker 2:You thought I was.
Speaker 1:It was more like you said. The way you're doing it is wrong.
Speaker 2:I don't think those were my words, though Were they?
Speaker 1:Maybe in my eyes.
Speaker 2:I was just giving you pointers. This is what.
Speaker 1:I usually write here yeah, and I said so you're saying what I'm doing is wrong and you said yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm joking, matias, come on.
Speaker 1:What.
Speaker 2:That must have been a joke. I could not have been serious.
Speaker 1:No, I'm pretty sure it was serious, but you it was also a heat of a moment kind of. Thing.
Speaker 2:Heat of the moment the movement. Movement, movement the movement, the heat of the movement.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know.
Speaker 2:But I said you were doing it wrong.
Speaker 1:We were both fat and sticky, so we got heated while moving.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh God, I don't like looking at old pictures.
Speaker 1:The paper got stuck to her. Ourselves.
Speaker 2:Ourselves, ourselves.
Speaker 1:Yeah, ourselves ourselves.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know there was something else, though, that you bring up. I'm pretty sure you still do when you have the opportunity to bring it up I'm sure it's more like a joke now I really hope so, because it's annoying Like the whole reading thing.
Speaker 1:Reading. Thing.
Speaker 2:And the Mad Libs.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay.
Speaker 2:You don't have to be so self-conscious.
Speaker 1:No, I just don't like hearing myself reading. I hate hearing myself reading.
Speaker 2:Well, at least during the episodes I can fix it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but I still hear that I'm reading.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, I hear myself reading all the time too, yeah, but you do it with a better flow than I do.
Speaker 1:I think I'm a pretty good reader when it's Swedish Okay. I'm definitely much better reading things in Swedish than English. I don't know why. It's because it's my language, I guess.
Speaker 2:I guess. So that would make sense. I don't really know right now.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:But when it comes up I'll let you know.
Speaker 1:Okay, yes, even if it's in like 15 years. You're like now, I know.
Speaker 2:I remember this thing that you're doing right now Remember that one time. Yeah, I don't like remember this thing that you're doing right now. Remember that one time. Yeah, I don't like it. That's what I'm going to sound like.
Speaker 1:Yeah, in 15 years. I don't like this. We're going to grow old so fast.
Speaker 2:Yes, I believe it.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay, number three is you are my adventure buddy.
Speaker 1:That's a good thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Yeah, I said it wasn't all bad. But there have been times when I just impulsively want to go somewhere and you're like, okay, let's go. That one time, when it was like the middle of the day and I was like let's go to Stockholm, you're like, okay, oh yeah. And so we went to Costco. We did.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It was so random and. I just felt like it.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So we went. I didn't know I wanted to, I just okay, let's do that then. Yeah, because I mean at first I think I thought it was a joke. Yeah, I think, I thought it was a joke, yeah, and I think that's probably how you were supposed to take it.
Speaker 2:But, when you were all for it. Then I was like, let's do that.
Speaker 1:Then, when you seemed serious about it, I'm like, okay, I don't see why I would back out now. Yeah.
Speaker 2:So I do like our adventures together no matter if it's a big one or a small one adventures together?
Speaker 1:Yeah, no matter if it's a big one or a small one. Yeah, I still think our greatest adventure so far is the mountain.
Speaker 2:That was a good one.
Speaker 1:I still think that's our best so far.
Speaker 2:That was fun we should do that again.
Speaker 1:I really liked that one Mm-hmm Walking up a mountain.
Speaker 2:It wasn't very high, but no, we should do it again.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:We're going to have lots of time, yeah, so might as well fill it up with more adventures, with more mountains. More mountains and less job searching.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Sounds good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's our philosophy.
Speaker 2:Hakuna Matata. Hmm, number four, yeah, not a bad thing. Okay, you, matias.
Speaker 1:Bad thing.
Speaker 2:You are Matias. Okay, and that is a bad thing. Yeah, I really wish that you would stop that, yeah.
Speaker 1:What should I be?
Speaker 2:Not Matias. Ah no, you really care about me and my well-being.
Speaker 1:Oh.
Speaker 2:And I appreciate that.
Speaker 1:Okay, you say that, like this is the first time you've hearing of it. Yeah what?
Speaker 2:like oh well, uh, okay, what's that? You care about me and I like that oh yeah, do you have uh example? No, I'm sure I did when I was writing this. Well, maybe it's more like when I'm in these slumps, like I've been in this week, when I'm just like I just I want to give up on everything. You're like, no, don't give up. And yeah you managed to get me back on my feet.
Speaker 1:You're like I don't want to do this anymore and I'm sitting at home like, no, don't, don't give up, give up. No, stop it. I'm in my bed.
Speaker 2:But stop saying that just don't do the things without talking about it, yeah, and let me sleep leave me alone. I'm sick part of me likes to think that you don't mean it like that.
Speaker 1:No no.
Speaker 2:You're actually trying to be confusing. Why is that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm trying to be confusing Convincing. No, confusing is better, that was better. Yeah, okay, you're trying to be confusing which?
Speaker 2:you already are. Yeah, constantly. Okay, you're trying to be confusing which you already are constantly number six, number five is that you're confusing yeah no, I'm not there yet. No number. Oh my god, I can't read. Okay, I have the same problem number five is that you're always down for fika.
Speaker 1:Oh yes.
Speaker 2:Even when we're not supposed to have fika. And I'm being my impulsive self, you're like, I'm right there with you.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:We're having fika.
Speaker 1:And I don't know if that's a good thing.
Speaker 2:Maybe not, so that's like an in-between. It could be a bad thing that you're encouraging me. Definitely a bad thing that you're encouraging me definitely bad thing, um, but it's also a good thing that you're encouraging me to relax okay although sometimes we relax a lot too, much, too much relaxing, and sometimes we relax a little bit and maybe that's okay. Yeah, can't be going around just suffering all the time. No, you have to give in to things sometimes yeah, okay, it would be boring to just be.
Speaker 2:You know, a life without fika would be so boring yeah, I agree yeah and I'm going to write that up on a wall as inspiring words life without fika would be boring.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm. All right, I'm going to make money off of that. Thank you, yeah, number, where was I?
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Six.
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, number six, I wrote up yesterday.
Speaker 1:Good song oh.
Speaker 2:I wrote yesterday. You wrote that Completely's irrelevant, but yeah, I actually wrote that song.
Speaker 1:Wow, so that movie is about you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's a true story actually.
Speaker 1:You wrote that movie too.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's a true story too.
Speaker 1:You wrote that movie and all the songs.
Speaker 2:Yeah, what did?
Speaker 1:you write yesterday. What did you write yesterday? Why did you write yesterday?
Speaker 2:I didn't write the word yesterday.
Speaker 1:No, okay.
Speaker 2:I wrote yesterday. I wrote it is difficult for me to say no to you. You're hard to say no to.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I understand what you're saying.
Speaker 2:I was trying to say no.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And then I gave up and I said yes instead.
Speaker 1:This is why I feel so guilty about yesterday, because I know what I did. I know what I did.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know exactly what you did. I know what I did.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know exactly what you did, I made you feel guilty. You took advantage of me, I did, I did Absolutely yeah, I can't deny it. I know, I know exactly.
Speaker 2:But it's not just that.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:It's a lot of things Like if you make a suggestion or if you ask for something, like literally anything. Pretty much I have a hard time. Hurt, I have a hard time.
Speaker 1:You get a stroke.
Speaker 2:You heard me. I have a hard time saying no to you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yes, I'm sorry, I don a hard time saying no to you. Yeah, yes, I'm sorry, I don't know what to say.
Speaker 2:Well, no, that was just the fact.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That could be on me too.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this isn't supposed to be about me. It's your fault.
Speaker 2:That's my fault.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's about me, but it's your fault. Yeah, I mean, I could like stand.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, I could like stand my ground and say like no, I'm absolutely not gonna do that but instead I I don't it's just I don't it's somehow easier for me to do that I guess, I'm sorry about that you have no problem saying no to me.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:You say no to me all the time.
Speaker 1:Hmm, you don't like it.
Speaker 2:No, I really don't. I haven't cracked that code yet.
Speaker 1:No, I'm sorry.
Speaker 2:Number seven.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Is you have bad hearing? What, what?
Speaker 1:I didn't hear that.
Speaker 2:You mishear things all the time.
Speaker 1:I do. And it's kind of funny it's usually pretty funny yeah, that's how it works at work yeah a lot of people a lot of us hear really badly. Yeah, just at that table yeah but I feel like you're the worst of all yeah, I'm sure because it's not just there, it's like always yeah except for when we're sitting here this is good, because now I can hear exactly what, every single word, we're saying, so we should always have a microphone everything is amplified in your ears, yeah we should always have microphones.
Speaker 2:I think so.
Speaker 1:In front of us.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that would be good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because that's when I can hear what we're saying. Number Eight. Okay, this is a bad one.
Speaker 2:You. You are a stubborn person.
Speaker 1:Stubbornson.
Speaker 2:You are Mr Stubbornson. You are Mr Stubbornson.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:Specifically. Yes when you pause the movie. Oh my gosh, every time I look away from the TV, you pause the movie, even though it's just for a millisecond.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm. Yeah, I want you to watch the movie. I do watch thecond.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I want you to watch the movie. I do watch the movie. Yeah, if I need it to be paused, then I'll ask for it to be paused. Yeah, if I think I can handle looking away for a second.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but if it's more than a second.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, You're counting the seconds.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm watching you watching the movie.
Speaker 2:Maybe you should be watching the movie.
Speaker 1:Well, maybe I've watched all the movies.
Speaker 2:Not all of them.
Speaker 1:No, not all of them, but these two I have watched lots and lots of times, and especially when I know a scene that I like is coming up, I want you to be focused on the movie, not on other things.
Speaker 2:I can't look at the bunny.
Speaker 1:No focus on the movie.
Speaker 2:Okay fine, but I'm still going to get annoyed every time you pause the movie.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's okay.
Speaker 2:Number nine is you're bald.
Speaker 1:Is that also annoying?
Speaker 2:I don't like it. Will you grow some hair? I?
Speaker 1:try.
Speaker 2:And then I shave it all off.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I shave your head.
Speaker 1:You do.
Speaker 2:Before the Mad Libs.
Speaker 1:Usually Sometimes.
Speaker 2:Most of the time, except for when I don't have time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 2:So you are bald, I don't yeah. I couldn't think. I think I had something else, but I couldn't think of it. So I just put the most obvious one.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're like, what's the defining thing matias has?
Speaker 2:yeah I haven't used this one yet so I figured I'd just go with the obvious. And you're bald.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Would you like to tell the history of your bald head?
Speaker 1:Yeah, it used to have hair.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Then it didn't, then it disappeared.
Speaker 2:It's just gone.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I played hide and seek with my hair and I never found it Gross. I played hide and seek with my hair and I never found it.
Speaker 2:Gross Ew. So there's just a pile of hair somewhere hiding in your house.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Ew, that must be weird, though, and kind of scary. To what when you're in the process of becoming bald, especially when, technically, you're not really supposed to.
Speaker 1:Now, why not what? Why not really supposed to? No, why not what?
Speaker 2:why am I? Why am I supposed to well at such a young age? Oh yeah, I don't know I mean you must have been a little freaked out yeah, it wasn't fun, but it's not like I can do anything about it. No, but you have to have feelings about it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's like oh, I'm balding. That's my feelings about it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, at like what, how old were you?
Speaker 1:I think I started balding at like 24, 25.
Speaker 2:Okay, ish, yeah, I'd probably start panicking.
Speaker 1:Okay. No, it wasn't like that Okay.
Speaker 2:Really panicking. Okay, no, it wasn't like that. Okay, really.
Speaker 1:I mean, I know that after having sick child my hair started coming out in big clumps, but that's normal, okay. Yeah, maybe I will grow back.
Speaker 2:I don't think so After 10 years.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't think that's happening. No, I'm not giving up hope.
Speaker 2:Okay, all right, anyone who prays can pray that Matthias gets his hair back.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:More hair than you do get, you do get hair.
Speaker 1:I do.
Speaker 2:It has a limit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, to how much can come out of the tie. Yeah, I mean, it's limited hair.
Speaker 2:It's a limited hair Edition.
Speaker 1:Time yeah Edition. Time yeah Edition.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yep, yep, mm-hmm. And then number 10 is.
Speaker 1:You're still bald.
Speaker 2:You are still bald.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:I felt like that one needed two spots because it just bothers me so much yeah, stop that. Looking at you, it just.
Speaker 1:You don't like it I can't ignore the fact. I know you don't like you know spending time with me. I don't like looking at you Because I'm bald.
Speaker 2:I don't like being seen with a bald guy.
Speaker 1:Because I look so old. Yeah, they're like who?
Speaker 2:Who's the old guy?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm only two years older than you. Right now, I'm three years older than you.
Speaker 2:I'm only three.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm bald, I'm bald. Yeah, it started when I was three.
Speaker 2:Oh geez.
Speaker 1:Well, I was bald when I was bald. Yeah, it started when I was three, oh geez. Well, I was bald when I was born, so I guess it started back then. I've always been bald.
Speaker 2:Maybe not always. No, you used to have a lot of hair. I did and then you didn't.
Speaker 1:Then it was the hide and seek with my hair.
Speaker 2:Gross Number 10 is you are my best friend.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's a first.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I like that a lot.
Speaker 1:Good.
Speaker 2:And I have.
Speaker 1:Even though I'm, bald.
Speaker 2:I guess it's okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I have learned to deal with it. I need to go to therapy for this.
Speaker 1:You should buy me a toupee. No, why not, I'm not doing that because they're ugly. It would be nice to have a toupee, and if it's really windy it's like you know, we have a thing figurine we'll just put on your head.
Speaker 2:Right thing from adam's family ah, yes we'll just put him on your head, and there's your toupee yeah but I've appreciated the years that we have spent together and gotten closer.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And yeah, I mean even the moments that have felt not so nice, still feel like they've been important for growing our relationship.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, sometimes the moments that aren't nice is still, you know, to me considered good memories. They kind of I mean you have a special feeling to those memories and in time I can I don't know how to do you understand anything what I'm trying to say yeah, but it would be nice with more explanation. Yeah, if you can. I don't know you know what I'm trying to say. They still feel important. Yeah, if you can. I don't know you know what I'm trying to say they still feel important.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they still feel good somehow, even though they were less good.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Maybe not bad, but less good.
Speaker 2:In the moment. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:It's like the time after the night we met Weird Al. The night after that we were freezing. We were outside freezing.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Like the entire night and I still think it was good. Now I feel it was good.
Speaker 2:It was really good it was a good night.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we dealt with that together yeah, we didn't like it there, and then we hated being so cold and but tired. Yeah, it's still a good memory for me yeah yeah, I don't know I look back on it fondly as well yeah, yeah, that's one of those memories that I'm talking about, that we're not so good, but it feels good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, hmm, I like you. Thank you. I think I'll keep you around for a while more.
Speaker 1:Good, I like being around.
Speaker 2:You like being round?
Speaker 1:I like being around and round, round and round. I like being round and round, round and around. I like being round and around.
Speaker 2:You get around.
Speaker 1:I get around, round, get around. I get around Town to town.
Speaker 2:I don't know?
Speaker 1:Yeah, that song has such weird lyrics. I'm a real cool head. I'm making real good bread.
Speaker 2:I don't know, I can't explain these things.
Speaker 1:No, but yeah, that's. That's the lyrics to that song.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:I love the band and I love the song, but it's weird lyrics.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, that's all I had.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, I think we have an episode.
Speaker 2:We do have an episode. Yeah, I'm all out of sips.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, me too, so I guess we're all out of episode.
Speaker 2:I guess we are Mm-hmm Um things my line is up there Things.
Speaker 1:Wait, oh my God. Are you trying to do a poem or something? Things Wait, oh my God. Are you trying to?
Speaker 2:do a poem or something, things, things. Would you like to wrap this up?
Speaker 1:Yeah, we can do that.
Speaker 2:Okay, let's do that then.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Thank you for listening to this super special and amazing episode. Yeah, we will be back on Tuesday and we will also be live on March 8th. Yeah, we will be back on Tuesday and we will also be live on March 8th.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I hope you had a good day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was good.
Speaker 2:Good, so then yeah, that's it.
Speaker 1:That's it.
Speaker 2:Have a good life.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Thanks for hanging out with us. Text us with comments, yeah and stuff. Ask us with comments and stuff. Ask us questions. I don't know what we're doing next week, so let us know what we're doing next week.
Speaker 1:Hmm.
Speaker 2:And yeah, have a good life and goodbye.
Speaker 1:Bye-bye.
Speaker 2:Thank you for listening to the Roasty Toasty Ghosty Podcast.
Speaker 1:If you kind of liked our episode, follow us on the social medias. We are on Instagram, tiktok and YouTube at RoastyToastyGhostyPod.
Speaker 2:And Twitch at RoastyToastyGhostyPodcast, where we play live man-libs every month.
Speaker 1:Consider supporting us on Buzzsprout, where you can find deleted content and our entire movie night list.
Speaker 2:We hope you enjoyed this episode, just as we enjoyed making it.
Speaker 1:And we'll be back with another one next Tuesday on a podcast provider near you.
Speaker 2:Goodbye Mattias, goodbye Lauren.